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The Dark Knight

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i somewhere read that there was a memorial/funeral for/of dent in the movie but i didn't see it?? was it after the credits?

i actually hope they don't bring him back for part 3...cause we have already seen him for a whole movie...we know him as the good guy, we know how he turned crazy and we know what his plan was...if they make him the next villian it could be pretty boring

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  MuFID! said:
i somewhere read that there was a memorial/funeral for/of dent in the movie but i didn't see it?? was it after the credits?

i actually hope they don't bring him back for part 3...cause we have already seen him for a whole movie...we know him as the good guy, we know how he turned crazy and we know what his plan was...if they make him the next villian it could be pretty boring

No, it was in the last 5 minutes of the movie. Gordon was speaking on a podium with a big picture of Dent in the background about how Dent was not the hero that gotham deserved, but the one it needed.

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  sushijerk said:
No, it was in the last 5 minutes of the movie. Gordon was speaking on a podium with a big picture of Dent in the background about how Dent was not the hero that gotham deserved, but the one it needed.

what the...the version i saw ended with batman speeding away on his batpod from the dogs and gordon talking to his son...weird

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  eastcoastrider27 said:
About that whole "Batman taking the fall for Dent" thing...

Twoface lets that female cop live after he flips the coin.

Wouldn't she spill the beans that Dent isn't the hero everyone thinks he is? He nearly killed her, why would she let them go after Batman when she knows it was Dent?

the dark knight was filled with more inconsistencies than in any other movie in recent memory.

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it wasssss enjoyable (not bad nor godlike),

the voice i wasnt too happy about... i think the movie kinda failed to show the normal bruce wayne side a bit. it was alot to take in, but i think the dark knight did what it could to its best of its ability. joker was great though!

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one thing i didn't get was when the joker gave batman the locations of dent and rachel. i think i remember that batman said to gordon that he goes for rachel, which means that gordon would go for dent. but then batman saved dent, so does that mean that the joker gave him the wrong addresses?

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  Cotton Duck said:
When else did you catch the Joker speaking straight truths???

yeah you're right...

it came to me after the movie and i couldn't really remember if batman said that he would go get rachel or if gordon should go.

if i think about it, this is so cruel. you have to choose between 2 people, and you choose the one you like more but then you end up saving the other...

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So just got through watching Batman Returns ... interesting how the two stack up.

The lack of realism in Returns is just, well, unreal. It's hard to put Batman up against enemies which physically couldn't quite match up to him in a brawl and get away with it over ~2 hours. De Vito I'm looking at you.

Entertaining, and Pfeiffer is excellent in it (I think I like the casting for Alfred and Gordon alot too - Michael Caine is always too Michael Caine for my liking) but everything comes across very-Burton-esque if that makes any sense. For a story thats going to take place mainly at night his gothic drive seems fair enough but the 'kookiness' he adds just leads back towards something very very camp.

Ah, maybe its just because I've just got through Year One again.

Swat teams it needs more swat teams ... worked wonders in the Dark Knight.

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  MuFID! said:
yeah you're right...

it came to me after the movie and i couldn't really remember if batman said that he would go get rachel or if gordon should go.

if i think about it, this is so cruel. you have to choose between 2 people, and you choose the one you like more but then you end up saving the other...

He did. He told gordon he will save rachel which means Gordon should save Dent.

Bats should have realised Joker as usual would play him out.

After all, all the rough housing by Bats didnt force Joker to reveal the whereabouts of Rachel and Dent. Joker revealed only because he wants to reveal.

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  fatchino said:
So just got through watching Batman Returns ... interesting how the two stack up.

The lack of realism in Returns is just, well, unreal. It's hard to put Batman up against enemies which physically couldn't quite match up to him in a brawl and get away with it over ~2 hours. De Vito I'm looking at you.

Entertaining, and Pfeiffer is excellent in it (I think I like the casting for Alfred and Gordon alot too - Michael Caine is always too Michael Caine for my liking) but everything comes across very-Burton-esque if that makes any sense. For a story thats going to take place mainly at night his gothic drive seems fair enough but the 'kookiness' he adds just leads back towards something very very camp.

Ah, maybe its just because I've just got through Year One again.

Swat teams it needs more swat teams ... worked wonders in the Dark Knight.

The best part of Batman Returns was when Selina and Bruce kissed on the dance floor and Bruce used the same line Catman used on Bats when they first kissed and Selina responded with the same line Bats used.

After that, they separated and looked extremely vulnerable, realising who one another is. As if by being masked freaks is their real identities, not Selina and Bruce.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  julianREE said:
pretty fucking good man, how'd you do the scars?

just read the dark knight returns comic by frank miller. really good. maybe i'll get into comics now..

liquid collodian and medical adhesive.

if you liked TDKR check out year one, the long halloween, the killing joke and WATCHMEN.

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  MuFID! said:
one thing i didn't get was when the joker gave batman the locations of dent and rachel. i think i remember that batman said to gordon that he goes for rachel, which means that gordon would go for dent. but then batman saved dent, so does that mean that the joker gave him the wrong addresses?

did you really need more than 2 seconds to figure that out? damn some of you people are slow

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Cult, scars look amazing.

I just read 2 days ago how the make up was applied for the movie.

Heath would scrunch his face into weird "faces" and then the layer of white would be applied, so he would make this massive frowns and the white would just be smeared on but it wouldn't hit the skin inbetween the frowns, looks like you painted the lighter parts on.

Same for the eyes, he would squeeze them close real tight and then the black was applied. After it was all done he would close his eyes again and get water squirted in it and he would then frantically shake his head so it would start running and dripping allover his face.

They compared it to a sort of ballet dance between mr. Ledger and the make up guy...

Oh and the costume designer said that the hair was meant to look like a dye/bleachjob gone wrong.

Also, inspiration for the "New Joker" swagger was stated as Johnny Rotten, Pete Doherty, old Vivienne Westwood, and some other guys I forgot now, I believe Iggy Pop aswell...

Imho, yours looks a bit too clean and "make up" looking.

I think the comparison with warpaint in the first scene is spot on, with regards to how savage looking it is.

Oh and currently on 4. Willing to go again for the Joker scenes alone...

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