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Enemy Mind last night with Taste the Steel in Erie, PA.

Enemy Mind was sick, definitely draws influence from some metal bands like Irate and others, but keeps it hard as nails.

Taste the Steel, heavy as always.

Kinda disappointed by the turnout as I drove 2 hours to see some sick fucking mosh, and there was a bit, but I had a burrito before the trip (rookie mistake) and did not feel 100% up to my normal mosh.

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most of us are young...shit i'm not even 21. but young kids are the ones who fiend over this music

inre: black metal...don't listen to twilight but i think i'll download their shit right now, they've got one hell of a line-up...malefic, wrest, imperial, shit. there should be a separate black metal thread, though there is probably already one. but grim satan FTW

lol yeah im 15 i feel you bro

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cruel hand on the 6th

eating glass 17th

maybe the ergs, maybe

fucked up weekend... so far i know of mind eraser, rampage, shitty limits, reign supreme, molested youth, sex vid, $100, fucked up, final fantasy, mad men (cant fucking wait for this)... hoping career suicide play, j.falco trifecta would be pretty killer haha, these shows are gonna be mental.

get stoked

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uhm. I don't have anything else off-topic/off-subgenre to throw in...fuck. Somebody, who's spoken to me, give me some ideas. What short-lived 90's band can I name drop and try to forcefeed you guys with this time around?

I'm kind of burnt out.

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I was kinda bummed that the Unbroken/Undertow leading onto Disembodied thing didn't really flesh out into a better discussion before coming back to posts about BANE or modern hardcore sucking.

I've been meaning to PM you back about Deadguy but it had clear slipped my mind...

I'm always interested by the bands Sean posts about but have the feeling they'll have split by the time I check them out.

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uhm. I don't have anything else off-topic/off-subgenre to throw in...fuck. Somebody, who's spoken to me, give me some ideas. What short-lived 90's band can I name drop and try to forcefeed you guys with this time around?

I'm kind of burnt out.

OK, discuss...




Hell No

Failure Face


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C.R. AND MEREL!!!! GORY AND EERIE 7" ART...YES!!! Any one else into 'em? Seen 'em? How many releases do they have? I only have one 7" from C.R. and I think two from Merel...(they have a full length too...right?).

Hail Mary? I dunno...just seems right to mention alongside those guys. I was also listening to some Milhouse yesterday...and Iconoclast (for the screamier side of things)...East Coastin' it up.

I missed out on Hell No...wasn't that a post/pre-CxA band? I need to dig.

Okay uhm...I'm at work so the posts can't really go overboard...but when I get home, I'll fulfill my long-drawn want to upheave my C.R. 7" for the longest and burn it to mp3 format for repeat listens while I walk the walk I walk. THanks for reminding me.

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I was kinda bummed that the Unbroken/Undertow leading onto Disembodied thing didn't really flesh out into a better discussion before coming back to posts about BANE or modern hardcore sucking.

I've been meaning to PM you back about Deadguy but it had clear slipped my mind...

I'm always interested by the bands Sean posts about but have the feeling they'll have split by the time I check them out.

Yeah seems like a good amount of heads are into the aforementioned bands...Unbroken and the like...I wish I could post more about 'em as well...I only really know Life. Love. Regret. and incidentally, that was on repeat play the other night. I just felt like South Of Heaven...and breakdowns...paired with the emotional stufffffff...that's why it was on.

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C.R. AND MEREL!!!! GORY AND EERIE 7" ART...YES!!! Any one else into 'em? Seen 'em? How many releases do they have? I only have one 7" from C.R. and I think two from Merel...(they have a full length too...right?).

Hail Mary? I dunno...just seems right to mention alongside those guys. I was also listening to some Milhouse yesterday...and Iconoclast (for the screamier side of things)...East Coastin' it up.

I missed out on Hell No...wasn't that a post/pre-CxA band? I need to dig.

Okay uhm...I'm at work so the posts can't really go overboard...but when I get home, I'll fulfill my long-drawn want to upheave my C.R. 7" for the longest and burn it to mp3 format for repeat listens while I walk the walk I walk. THanks for reminding me.

C.R. had a 7" and an LP, live they were good but the records never grabbed me the way I wanted them to. I need to give them a listen, haven't heard them in at least 8 years.

Merel had a 7" an LP and some split 7", I love those guys. The closest thing to a Gravity Records type sound from the East Coast IMO.

Hell No was a couple of ex-CxA guys, not really hardcore but really interesting stuff. Good live too. PM me I'll send you some stuff.

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C.R. had a 7" and an LP, live they were good but the records never grabbed me the way I wanted them to. I need to give them a listen, haven't heard them in at least 8 years.

Merel had a 7" an LP and some split 7", I love those guys. The closest thing to a Gravity Records type sound from the East Coast IMO.

First off...that bolded sentence is exactly what I was thinking the first time I heard Merel...and I was going to make reference to that in my previous reply. Bravo.

Ha...speaking of which, I was just listening to some Mohinder on my way into work...that stuff is great.

Do you HAVE the Iconoclast demo? I heard they actually sounded much like Rorschach on it...which is something i'd like to hear. And speaking of which...do you have the '89 Demo from the aforementioned gods of metallic hardcore? DOES ANYONE? I WILL KILL TO GET THAT. I just have the Forever comp which has what sounds like a demo version of "CHeckmate." RAW.

Damn I didn't know C.R. had an LP as well. I honestly expected to hear something more fastcore'ish/PV'ish when I first put it on...caught me by surprise...but I can't say I didn't enjoy it. Been a while though.

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i've been wanting to listen to the swarm AKA knee deep in the dead all week, all my records are at my parents home. It's bullshit! I've been on a metallic hardcore kick for a couple weeks now. Indecision reunion inspired me to check all that stuff out again.

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