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speaking of converge, super stoked on seeing them at f yeah fest http://www.fyffest.com/

random mixed in with dem hipster bands, but i dun care. fucked up is dope too

ALSO, let's talk about THE RIVAL MOB


gnarly shyt right there... also, a live WERS set is floating around on the net

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what do you guys think of trapped under ice?

i typically don't like mosh-metal-hardcore, but somehow they keep it very interesting with sweet grooves and riffs

this has been doing it for me lately:


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  Vampyrvargfesten said:
what do you guys think of trapped under ice?

i typically don't like mosh-metal-hardcore, but somehow they keep it very interesting with sweet grooves and riffs

this has been doing it for me lately:


holy shit

new trapped under ice is so good


trapped under ice- secrets of the world

another breath- the god complex

forfeit- visions

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  akuma no uta said:
new converge track posted on their myspace. already i like this album more than their past two.

i like the new songs they posted live in their videos, but the new song on their myspace sounds too much like a fucking video game at the beginning. hopefully it'll be an all around album.

i have to agree to disagree on the trapped under ice. if i wanted "mosh" or "thrash" influenced hardcore i would fucking listen to cro mags or integrity or even actual thrash bands from the 80's, not some revamped bullshit that everyone's heard already.

same applies to bitter end, pressvre, reign supreme, etc.

i do like new cruel hand though, i think they're actually playing some real thrash shit with none of that heavy breakdown bullshit.

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  catchforusthefoxes said:
I used to play in a few hardcore bands, I'm a huge Misfits fan, fan of ink and dagger, JFA, Discharge, Crucifix, Ringworm, Integrity and other bands like that. Anyone else here into that kind of shit?

yeah, lots of people are.

what/which bands? more info please :)

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Hardcore Halloween in va like 4 years ago, some band that was like little kids is playing, everybody is digging it, singer fucking screams "everyone in this room is a fucking target" wooden stool then flies across the room knocks some poor girls teeth out. Then later that night black my heart played. YouTube search we weren't brought up right and it should be first video. Different girl totally gets kicked in the face by the guitar player.

Then bane - first Unitarian church Philly, guess this was like almost 3 years ago-ish, fuckib FSU dudes just standing in the middle of the pit waiting for someone to hit them so all their homies could jump on.

And then circle pit fest in baltimore 07 no pit beef or anything but It was in a shitty area of town and like 12 cars got broken into and shit was stolen.

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  akuma no uta said:

Then bane - first Unitarian church Philly, guess this was like almost 3 years ago-ish, fuckib FSU dudes just standing in the middle of the pit waiting for someone to hit them so all their homies could jump on.

man, fuck FSU , they are such assholes.. didn't some FSU guys actually wanted to kill this one band if they played at this one place? (someone fill me in)

i also heard some FSU dudes roadblocked some highway, stopped random people, and beat the shit out of them? :(

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i knocked this fat bitch down while circle pitting at a terror show. nothing too amazing, but it was pretty hilarious.

and the worst memory is at rivalry fest '07. a scummy hippie with dreads was walking around shoeless and sockless and decided to stage dive. as people were trying to push his disgusting filth off of their outstretched hands, his grainy, sandy foot slaps me in the face.

i was pretty fucking disgusted.

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Was at Ozzfest (lol) when I saw a like 6'7 350 pound Nazi (dude had a swastika tattoo over his heart) just cold cock a dude during Hatebreed. Guy fell like a sack of bricks. This was like two or three years ago when it was free and they just kept pulling dead bikers and shit out of porta-potties, haha.

At a Reign Supreme show I was helping run sound at this dude walks into the room they're playing with a 24 pack under his arm, and just starts winging full cans at people. One dude got smacked square in the face and broke his nose.

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i missed a downpresser show a year ago

and some dude apparently was so into it he bit his tongue off

used to go to mad shows in NYC and this crew BTD always showed up, those guys didn mess around

i was seein this band point pleasant n these guys started a fight with this mother n shit n people were throwing tables then the show got blown up by the cops

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that website reminded me, i was at a downpresser show again with forfeit and saw terror like a cuple days before that show and Scott Vogel was at this small ass show an was moshin pretty hard had to fight with him to get the mike, i think he fucked his ankle up at that show too hahah

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