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but the knife he chose was his knife from the future. the compass wasnt his. i think the reason he got up and left so quickly is becasue he got freaked out that this crazy old man stumbled out of the jungle and predicted the future. according to farradays time travel thoughts you cant go back and change the past and you cant change the future, meaning either locke is seperated from the timeline (such as the way desmond is) or the writers are just getting ridiculous.

Are you sure it was his own knife? is that just a guess or am i forgetting something... it would be awesome if it was

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Well, Richard planted the compass in Locke's possession. And he said it was important. What other symbolism does the compass have? First thought goes to that scene with Locke as a kid.

Just sayin'.

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sidney is right.

check this explanation out from tlt:

If you'll recall from Season 4, there is an episode (Locke's flashback) where Richard visits young Locke and gives him a few different things to identify - one of these things being a compass. Richard tells Locke to show him something that belongs to him. Locke picks the knife and Richard says "I'm sorry, you're not ready." This is an example of Richard "testing the timelines." In other words, when Richard came to young-Locke, he was checking to see if he was in the new Timeline where he had spoken to Locke. Now that Richard has delivered the message, he should be able to go to young-Locke and Locke would now give Richard the compass, signaling that Richard now exists in a timeline where Locke has been "trained." Why does Richard want to train Locke? Probably becuase Locke is some type of prodigy, where the rules of fate don't apply to him

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"Liz: Is Nestor Carbonell -- who plays Richard Alpert -- wearing eyeliner?

Michael: No. But he has a kind of genetic beauty that is a rare thing in men or women. No, that's what he looks like when he wakes up in the morning. It's hard not to study his face and admire it."

interview with ben.

there you go sid, no eyeliner.

and for everyone else, here's kate imagining i'm giving her a backshot.


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has anybody theorized that locke is actually jacob?

how the hell did christian shepherd get in the middle of all this? and why does he know more than anyone?

what's up with the monster pulling those dudes into the temple and then not killing them? instead they were educated and released? and why did they suddenly consider rousseau a threat?

i love this show

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i think jacob took over christian shepards body

maybe to convince claire to stay or something

not sure

but one of the theories i read was that jacob died time traveling and his spirit was left on the island and thats why he knows so much

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side of bens van said "canton rainier". i looked it up to see if there was any significance and one lost forum mentions that its an anagram for reincarnation...not sure what thats worth, but it might be something

i love this show

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side of bens van said "canton rainier". i looked it up to see if there was any significance and one lost forum mentions that its an anagram for reincarnation...not sure what thats worth, but it might be something

i love this show


i was thinking that was an anagram but forgot to check. Considering Locke is dead and going back to the island I'd say there's a lot of significance to "reincarnation".

yeah Lost is awesome

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an interview with Ben from TV Guide

It's virtually impossible to tell whether Lost's Ben Linus is a good guy or a bad guy. As much as we keep churning out the theories, TVGuide.com turned to Michael Emerson himself for his thoughts on Ben's upcoming storylines. How much of Ben's past will we see during the time jumps? Will we ever meet Annie? Have we already?

TVGuide.com: Has Ben's revenge mission against Charles Widmore been trumped by getting the Oceanic 6 to return to the island?

Michael Emerson: I think Ben has not forgotten what Charles Widmore has done to him, and I think he's going to try to take care of that business at the same time as he's taking care of the larger mission.

TVGuide.com: With all this time jumping happening on the island, will we see young Ben again?

Emerson: Yes. In fact, now that we are sort of ping-ponging around in the time-space continuum, all those backstories are re-emerging in more important ways. And the characters are, to some extent, going to be recontextualized. I know Ben is. You're going to learn things about him that either mitigate or intensify some of the judgments you've made about him.

TVGuide.com: It's pretty hard to tell if he's good or bad on any given day.

Emerson: I think they mean you to be right there and not know. You may leave the series at the final conclusion still not knowing if he's good or bad.

TVGuide.com: Did Ben's little girlfriend Annie die in The Purge?

Emerson: We don't know. That's still up in the air, but I'm guessing that's one of the most burning questions of the backstory that I'm sure will be dealt with. We have so much bouncing around in time and space to do this season it will make you dizzy. It's also going to provide some thrills and chills. [Laughs]

TVGuide.com: So you think Annie will pop back into the picture?

Emerson: Yeah, I think so. In fact, I may go so far as to say we may already know Annie. Have you considered that? I'm not speaking from knowledge of a script because that's not a thing that has been written, but stranger things have happened on the show. Everyone is more connected then they ever thought, and it's often by blood.

TVGuide: Maybe Ben has unknown relatives on the island as well?

Emerson: That's a good one. Or it could be a deal where maybe some people never escaped a time or place. Or maybe some people are no longer in control of the when of their lives. Our writers are smart sci-fi guys and they're going to push the envelope.

TVGuide.com: How about revisiting that crush Ben had on Juliet?

Emerson: I think it must be explained, or its end must be explained — the end of those feelings. You might want to put that in the file labeled "Stuff Ben Doesn't Have Time to Think About But May Be Able to Further Down the Line." I suppose it's possible, though, that the writers have made us understand that Juliet made her feelings too clear to Ben and the world, and he's moved on.

TVGuide.com: How often have your scenes crossed with Fionnula Flanagan's Eloise Hawking?

Emerson: Well you haven't seen it yet, but I've worked with her a lot. One of the tributes to the genius of our writers is they will introduce a character like Eloise Hawking in a one-off kind of deal and we all think, "Oh, that was an interesting side journey that we could have gone on and didn't." But the writers haven't forgotten about it. They've brought it back around so it dovetails neatly with what's going on.

TVGuide.com: Can you give us any idea on when or how we'll next see Jacob?

Emerson: Jacob seems to have fallen away from our consciousness. The show is so much more wrapped up in intermediary leader figures. There seems to be a whole raft of people Ben must answer to, but they're not as high up as Jacob. Jacob seems to have receded into the mist again — sort of mysterious and godlike. He continues to be much talked about, and ultimately is the force behind the island. And the island is changing. We thought of it as a rock in the water, but now it appears to be more of a movable organism now. So to be in charge of such a thing — what does that mean? These are questions I ask myself.

TVGuide.com: Do you ever find yourself just reeling after reading a script?

Emerson: I have read a couple of scenes in the middle part of the season where I've dropped the script while reading it, or I stood up and said, "Oh my God, they can't do that, can they?" And they can. They can do whatever they want. There are a couple of things that will just make your hair stand on end. People across the country are going to jump up off their sofas and scream, "No! No way!" I just love it. [Laughs]

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John 3:16 For God loved the world so much that he gave his only begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but gain everlasting life.

“The Lamppost” is another nod to C.S. Lewis’ “The Chronicles of Narnia,” since the lamppost (and the wardrobe) marked the spots where the Pevensies traveled between their world and time-shifting land of Narnia.

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Something I thought I noticed but I'm not sure, maybe someone with DVR can verify/disprove....

In the opening scene, when Jack goes over to Kate, she wakes up and asks him "Are we back on the island?" or something to that effect and he says yes.

Then in the closing scene, when he goes over to Kate and wakes her up, she doesn't ask him that.

Why the hell else would they open the show with that scene just to cut to "45 hours earlier" or whatever, other then to hide some differences. There was no narrative purpose to that choice. The show would have been exactly the same if they had just skipped that part. Did anyone else catch this or anything else different between the opening scene and the closing scene?

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the only reason i could see that they showed them crashing on the island first then flashing back is to make the episode like the pilot episode where it focuses on jacks eye and him waking up in the jungle

i didnt catch any differences, but i didnt pay that close attention to it

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