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well that is certainly a large gallery, but really hard to find anything plus the search doesn't seem very effective as theres no keywords etc :(

what I'm mainly looking for is smaller galleries with a more carefully picked selection. not sure if that even exists, though.

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converge inspired chestpiece "Heaven in her Arms" as the script


not finished rib piece, fucking hurts like crazy giant squid attacking a boat


almost the whole right sleeve side shot


right sleeve front shot


right sleeve inside shot (the robot is my favorite of mine)


right sleeve back shot


pennsylvania hardcore 4 lyfe


boris + sunn 0))) present altar


amplifier worship


unfinished samurai on my left arm, theres also some rocks and a big bonzai tree


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they didnt hurt at all. i have a high tolerance for pain compared to most people. after they began scabbing, they were itchy as fuck (especially the tree). if you're afraid of the pain, pop a non-aspirin/blood thinning pain killer. my friend took 16mg of tramadol (not bound with tylenol) when she got her feet done and she was fine.

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scabbin? you need to step your tattoo care game up. its all about aquaphor, leave a thin layer on at all time, wash every 1 to 2 hours, and wrap in saran wrap over night (with a layer of aquaphor on) cleaning generously in the morning. no scabbing, no color loss. heals within 2 to 3 days.

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scabbin? you need to step your tattoo care game up. its all about aquaphor, leave a thin layer on at all time, wash every 1 to 2 hours, and wrap in saran wrap over night (with a layer of aquaphor on) cleaning generously in the morning. no scabbing, no color loss. heals within 2 to 3 days.


not a good idea to wash every 1-2 hours. excessive cleaning is BAD for the tattoo.

if you completely heal in 2-3 days, you didn't get a tattoo. a tattoo is an open wound, and peeling/scabbing is normal.

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