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Guest dontcaretoomuchforcrap

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eBay is fucking heaven for stuff like that. It's not as if you need to worry about sizing with truckers.

I haven't worn any of my truckers in a while... got a big assed pile of them dicking around doing nothing at the moment. Still, they look a hell of a lot better on my skinny face than fitteds or classic baseball caps do, so I'm sticking with them. Swapped the patch of a ltd edition black denim VD cap for an old Deftones logo patch that I've had since I was about 15... worn that cap so hard I bust the fuck out of the strap and duck taped it up.

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Guest StuckOnStupid


holy SHIT, that is AMAZING dude....deftones??!?!!?....logo?!?!?...patch?!?!?!...DUCK TAPE??!?!?!!?

we demand pics! yer turning the hat world all willy-nilly!

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Alternatively, like the rest of us on this forum I'm a fucking cunt who tries at all costs to pretend they never owned the shit that everyone* thought was cool but now slags off :P

Cue ten posts below me claiming that they never liked Von Dutch and the only trucker hat they ever bought they got at a thrift store as an ironic fashionista injoke.

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  • 2 months later...

does anyone think some people just cannot rock fitteds at all or do you think u can pull it of its just the way u rock it. i been thinkn bout gettin a fitted for a while now and some ppl it says it looks good others just say it looks dumb. idk what to do lol ill actually prob get flamed for this but w,e

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Youre not ALONE in hating fitteds but I definately dont agree. It really depends on your style though. If your style is more clasical/traditional, throwing a New Era into the mix might not be the best of ideas. It can really look dumb. But as a hiphop head its part of the culture so ill never hate on them.

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if you cannot pull it off, then don't try.

they do not look good on white skate kids, and look especially worse

on fucking fake-ass hardcore kids from jersey that come into NYC to

buy them right from the new era store.

chances are, the problem isn't that a fitted cap isn't fitting in with your

look, but that any baseball cap is going to throw off your profile. it also

has a lot to do with your attitude- one of those things with too many

cultural implications to ignore. so, turn up the swagger.

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5-panel over fitteds anyday for me, especially DQM 5-panels. I don't know where they source their hats but they fit my big head nicely. Supreme 5-panels...not so much.

It may have something to do with being old and having a large head. I mean, how can I walk around w/ a sz. 7 1/2 sticker on my fitted and the damn thing actually fits?

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  eastcoastrider27 said:

Good read .. I'm interested to see if polyester becomes the material that all fitteds will be made out of soon. I like fitteds, I have a couple from obscure old NY teams, but they definitely get too hot in some weather.

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I got a few old snap back joints I love (Blazers, Pirates, and one sick cream and black New Era whitesox cap)...but all this talk of polyester is scaring me. Wool is hot, that's true, but it DOES breath. It is a natural fabric, and was originally prized by humans for its flexibility in different conditions. I just don't trust polyester hats. I think they will look and feel tacky. matter fact I swear I went to buy a new black on black NY fitted half a year ago, and something about it felt and looked wrong (the black wasnt as deep) so i said fuck it. Dude in the store thought I was on one. Kept saying "its the same!, its the same!"....Nah...


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jeez people hating on the new eras. theres nothing wrong with them unless ur a skinny person that wears alot of the well, skinny designer clothes alot of people have here, i know so many people that pull em off just fine if they are wearing the right type of clothes.

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