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waywt? saved my life

sycamore no more

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Guest jmatsu

lenoard leroy is part of the synthesis ethnicity. nigga might have some residual spanish blood in him. might be diluted, but maybe the spaniard big bulge-gene carried over....

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bloodlust is fucking dumb yaw stop fakin ur waywts fake ass nigga u like fool who post other ppl's dunks for internet hb's 2 beast over wut a fkin loser if i met u i'd crush u like da incredible hulk new movie

anyway i think we r be 2 harsh on daniway i mean like same wit jeff... i feel bad cuz lyk workin 9-5 to strugglin strugglin just o get by on da samurai [jeff u suck btw ur raw denim suck] and uggs... damn hard hard life

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What shoes are those?


wannabe tom ford blu blockas


generic brown braided belt

the flat head


i promise my baby feet arent actually baby feet in real life

You used to have style, but this is mad weak. What happened?

Leonard Leroy is packin some heat.

junglejane looks like a prettier kt tunstall.

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Guest youkinorn

wannabe tom ford blu blockas


generic brown braided belt

the flat head


i promise my baby feet arent actually baby feet in real life

perfect amount of creepy

would +rep but can't (even though I don't remember ever repping you before)

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dino rocks the shit out of the creeper status look, i dig it. he looks like that 29 year old neighborhood pot head who is mad sketchy and always ends up at every high school party and takes home a couple of corny white girls, and no one ever questions him.

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