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waywt? saved my life

sycamore no more

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too many bad memories at never-never land? seriously though, if all you can pull out of your ass when you see a red jacket is some weak pop cultural reference to 1983 then you are underexposed. besides, his jacket was leather and of a completely different cut.

The fit of the jackson jacket was relatively similar but his was leather and also had a black vertical stripe on each side. Regardless, it looks pretty similar minus the 2 black stripes. It's not a knock on the jacket or fit, but just discussing a little mj. I actually kinda like the jacket from a fit/styling and maybe even color standpoint. I'm not going to lie though, i thought of MJ before the other guy mentioned it. Not necessarily an insult though.

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no offense but mj was better...dood was fukin STYLIN

for realzzz. If you cop this jacket, much plus rape will ensue.


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meh, it's not a great jacket. the whole fit doesn't look good on you, maybe if you were in duran duran. (you wanted 80s pop culture.)
The fit of the jackson jacket was relatively similar but his was leather and also had a black vertical stripe on each side. Regardless, it looks pretty similar minus the 2 black stripes. It's not a knock on the jacket or fit, but just discussing a little mj. I actually kinda like the jacket from a fit/styling and maybe even color standpoint. I'm not going to lie though, i thought of MJ before the other guy mentioned it. Not necessarily an insult though.

you guys are idiots, really. i didn't say i wanted 80's pop culture, or dispute that a red will remind the average clown of MJ. my point was that if you cant get past the pop-cultural connotation that "red + jacket=MJ" then your mind if full of garbage.

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In one year this is where we've come to. I'm very happy.


American Optics

the Flathead


Cheap Mondays

Organ Masters

K Records

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i really like your jacket rob, was semi tempted to buy it.

I was looking through some websites and one description said "an edgy take on the classic bomber jacket with a 80’s michael jackson twist. either way s2a certainly puts “the bomb†in bomber jackets".

I know H&M had one in the same color that looks similar although way 2 puffy for the thrifty crowd...last year.

i have terrible syntax

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Icarus, I used to have that same K Recs pin. Don't know where it went. Are you actually leaving the board or was that video like "we will miss you now that this meetup is over". You look/sound older on video than I expected.

I gotta confess that I have never really liked one of heartbroken's fits. not that she doesn't look cute, but it's always 100% vanilla average nice-girl stuff, not very fashion-forward at all. she looks like a first or second-year english major who uses tealights too much.

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Trox always looks sleepy
trox & seksu, favorite posters as of late. can't rep.

Thanks DUM. I admit I am usually just waking up in those pictures, but you have no idea how many times people think I'm fuckin high. My dad's also part-narcoleptic.

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