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waywt? saved my life

sycamore no more

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could you reccomend some good high fashion vulcanized sneakers for wearing while skating in my diors?

It works for all you dudes in your supreme tees or whatever if you actually skate. As a whole, I generally ignore those fits because they don't interest me. In this case I was referring to some kid in the suburbs who wears wings + horns, a77, and vans.


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vans aren't even real skate shoes because the low end or new models get destroyed after an hour of skating. i don't skate but that's what i heard.

youre a dumb ass, and just showed it. you dont skate, so how the fuck would you know?

the vans sole is the best for skating. period. nothing else compares. also, all skate shoes are destroyed quick, and if you get suede vans they last just as long as anything else.

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i mean he should get a bit more dressed up for a graduation picture...

we're doing one like that in regular clothing, then the standard head/shoulder shot in a cape or whatever done by the photo company.

i'm in the class that does the yearbook (there's a dedicated class for this). was my idea. mostly because i wanted a waywt in the yearbook, lol

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that last time was cheep's fault. he made the first error, so it just look like i made an error. not gonna front, i r not good at it, but i did no wrong this time. so fuck u guys.

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doesn't lowrey wear a pair of white sk8 his on occasion?

i was under the impression he could do no wrong

what are you talking about? he b wearing attachment!

and why u b trying to drink his piss while putting him on a pedestal?

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yo what the fuckee? where my comment b? anway i just says she look like commie liberated VC viet conger ala me ruv u rong time cause of her fit-pic w/isolated jkt.

said she look like she got mascara/make-ups from wrinkle-balled old gwai lows via the "asian friend finder" internets. like guy be playing rambo and gave her that buddha pendant. nuthin wrong with that!!!

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youre a dumb ass, and just showed it. you dont skate, so how the fuck would you know?

sure i'm not a skater so i'm an ignorant fuck. my comment was stupid though.....

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no hate, but this bothers me to no end. why do you type like that? conan too for that matter

cause i can. and cause i reppin sufu class of 04.

no hate, but how dare you question me!

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vans aren't even real skate shoes because the low end or new models get destroyed after an hour of skating. i don't skate but that's what i heard. and the very high sole make them look like shoes for retarded kids that cannot walk (no hate if you're a retarded kid that can't walk).

you stupid little french man.

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That's right.

Statements that purport to reveal the motives of another poster and then extend to make assumptions about the state of their lives usually follow the form "you're just talking shit to make u feel better cause ur loser who gets no girls lolol", the fact that you used proper grammar and the word "plebes" doesn't mean that this isn't the tiredest trope on the internet.

Your quite right, many statements in language resemble each other. You see, thats how grammar works! Though my comment might share a topographical similarity with the one you compared it to, I think it is a big more insightful and less rash. Its obvious that you have a chip on your shoulder which is not at all justified.

And my decision to use the word "Plebes" was a homage to your homeboy Clopek.

The killing strike! So clean! So perfect! So logically sound! How will I ever live now, knowing that I sit in the shadow of contradiction. On the one hand, I think cheap sneakers are ok, on the other, I desire artisan quality pantaloons. The pressure of cognitive dissonance is building against the walls of my skull. Must I live like Simone Weil? Forever caught between the Karamazovain instinct to reject suffering, and the Catholic ideal of accepting the perfection of god? Two powerful and opposing forces? (oh my, I must have learned that at some lumberjack ivy!).

Yeah, its a pretty basic concept: Avoid tacky labels just as you would consciously not order crap beer at a nice restaurant. I never claimed it to be anything more grandiose. Now if you're destitute then I'm not gonna hate (this is my inner pragmatist speaking) but i think its safe to assume that all participants on this board have some excess scratch to invest in some decent sneakers. And if they don't they shouldn't be trying to play this game anyway--It will break them financially and cause them suffer the same pain and embarrassment you do.

And next time you choose to make russian literary references please don't do Dostoevsky--he's as played as shitty vans eras. Instead try working some Gogol into your would-be intellectual comedy routine. Now he's actually funny!

I actually hesitated in making my original post because I suspected within the next day or so I would be receiving an annoyingly wordy reply that accused me of multiple hilarious errors in logic for saying what amounted to "assigning an aesthetic theory to cover sneakers is dumb".

Should've went with your first instinct to cower. And theories ideally don't tolerate exceptions, be it sneakers or otherwise. You can either accept the validity of exception and toss the theory ALTOGETHER (thus my point about your desire for "artisan pantalons" not making sense) or be a weak ass pussy and make ad hoc excuses for why its okay to like vans eras.

That is my only comment. I was not meaning to attack anything to do with your logic, just to make clear what most people were thinking anyway. Delving into the brand representation and high minded ideals when discussing sneakers immediately triggers a pragmatist impulse. Perhaps it's just a matter of perspective, but that's all the post was meant to offer.

It may be a matter of perspective, but that doesn't mean that both points of view are equally valid. One is clearly more mature and developed (mine), and the other is simply naive and immature. Your consumer behavior is not much better than a confused kid in a candy shop. Enjoy your bubble gum and try not to get it in your hair this time!

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