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why doesn´t girls/women like facial hair? a mystery, thats what it is.

Bobo, I'm not sure--only sure that it's a good thing for me because no matter how long I wait, I never grow any facial hair...

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i made my bf grow his beard out. it looks really hot. (he keeps it neat with a weekly barber visit though, I'm not into the ZZ top look)

Grr, I guess you're one of the lucky girls who are tolerant to such things. The last Pirates of the Caribbean movie inspired me to grow more facial hair a la Mr Depp & Bloom, only for it to be scuppered a week later when my girlfriend started complaining about lip chafage etc.

On the plus side, if there are any guys who don't like going down on girls, try growing some facial hair.

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thanks Ande!

shaved mellon, stach and beard had to go aswell. i kinda miss em but the girlfriend is happy.

why doesn´t girls/women like facial hair? a mystery, thats what it is.

As I mentioned above, facial hair can cause some serious chafage.

Second up, holy shit you're hiding some great jawbones behind that facial hair.

Third up, hairy or no hairy, I'd have Sidney's babies, face fuzz or no face fuzz. But only if he gives me his plaid Blazers.

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i can't even grow a pubestache.

Aw boo. I've had a tache since I was 12. Weird thing was, at 15 when everyone started getting sideburns, I never got them. Now at 21, I get facial hair everywhere, all up my jawline and everything, but next to nothing where my sideburns should be. I swear I'm jinxed or something.

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Second up, holy shit you're hiding some great jawbones behind that facial hair.

these old things..? :P

well, I know I kinda look "better" without any beard, but sometimes it´s not about looking cute, but about looking right.. guess the gf don´t agree.

and yea, she complained about the chaffing, or what you called it, aswell. No pain, no gain I say.

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It's just the tache that does it on the chafing front. I keep my tache and the sides shorn, and just a few mm below my bottom lip and on my chin. Not for everyone, but it works out for me nicely, probably just because I've had it in one form or another since I was about 15.

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I wanted to be able to grow sideburns. All I've got is an insta-mustache. Two days and bam, I'm well on my way. Maybe I should just give in. I'll do it this summer, I think.

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