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Guest jmatsu
  semper said:
and btw, jmatsu, to use your first metaphor, which is more up my alley (haha): that is a rather strong example you're giving, but the principle is called fusion cuisine. For culinary discussion forums, it is a lot more interesting than the 1000th description of how to make lasagne Bolognese according to the exact rules.

fusion cuisine can be delicious, but the the very act of fusing cuisines is older than most people would suspect. there is actually method to the madness of successful fusion cuisine. harmony and balance. and there are probably polar opposites of ingredients/tastes that chefs and culinary aficionados do not mix. i.e. sushi and peanut butter. i am not a true believer in brand synchronicity, but alot of the labels and aesthetics that lowrider has tried to fuse makes no sense from the get-go. not palatable. thus leaves bad taste. in this case it is not a matter of trial and error, but common unspoken logic which most innately comprehend initially. plus, champ ain't no style wizard or fashionista genius. the method of his consumption (in which he states) is to purchase something regardless to whether or not it would serve him well or regardless of it's contradiction to that of other pieces. a mere passing fancy fueled by random forums, fashion magazines, and whatever media he is able to acquire and thus bases his "own" logic upon. there ain't no tasty fusion cuisine going on up in this shit here. just some new money illogically buying up shit from random spectrums and playing dress-up. i see no method to this madness. it is just madness or as i suspect, maybe just consumption for the sake of collecting of trophies. or some dude is trying to buy dual citizenship to the denim workwear nation and the dark lands. shit just don't work that way.

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  jmatsu said:
fusion cuisine can be delicious, but the the very act of fusing cuisines is older than most people would suspect. there is actually method to the madness of successful fusion cuisine. (....)

shit just don't work that way.

Shortened the quote a bit, although I mean to answer all of it.

(don't read this if you're tired of this discussion)

I agree with a lot of this. But. Peanut butter is actually just peanuts. Sushi without the wasabi is mainly rice.The two combined come quite close to Gado Gado then, which is a traditional dish: (usually) cold rice with peanut sauce and some cabbage. Still calling it sushi would probably be seen as an outrage by many people, but essentially there's nothing about it that's impossible. Whether it's good taste is something else, and as much as you can try and describe taste, it's hard to fit it into rules. You can put down some principles for yourself and share them with others, like on sufu, but starting to treat them like mathematical laws is ridiculous, and anyone doing so is making a complete fool out of himself.

Being all in one concept, with matching musical taste, political views etc, is a teenager thing, like deciding to become a gothic. At that age, it's very useful as a framework, a starting point from which you can mature as a person. Nothing wrong with it. But by the time you're well in your 20s, it'd better have dissolved into something less schematic, and more individual, wit all its paradoxes. To me that's what style is all about.

But then, I'm not a teenager.

Thank you.

Lowrider, now sell me those high ann dem boots you posted about a year ago.

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Holy shit. That black on black varsity looks really bad ass. A completely different but equally cool vibe from the other colors. Goes to show how versatile that design was.

Went to summer bbq the other day


bonus chest hair appreciation shot http://img12.imageshack.us/img12/5062/009uhh.jpg


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  lowrider said:
i'm sorry, for a second there i thought this was the waywt chat edition in SUPERTRASH...

Holy shit...euro faux-mod...i hope this doesn't take off with the masses....first and foremost, your haircut was heinous...same goes for the facial hair. ....what else?...Blazer was a tad too wide in the shoulders and too long (including sleeves) ....and peaked lapels don't synch-up with the mod look that i suspect you were going for (a jacket with slim notch lapels is what you should've worn)...and that belt is so totally guido. The tie is a bit too skinny...a tie like that has no staying power. Apart from all that, it's ok....but still bastardized

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Guest jmatsu
  semper said:
Shortened the quote a bit, although I mean to answer all of it.

(don't read this if you're tired of this discussion)

I agree with a lot of this. But. Peanut butter is actually just peanuts. Sushi without the wasabi is mainly rice.The two combined come quite close to Gado Gado then, which is a traditional dish: (usually) cold rice with peanut sauce and some cabbage. Still calling it sushi would probably be seen as an outrage by many people, but essentially there's nothing about it that's impossible. Whether it's good taste is something else, and as much as you can try and describe taste, it's hard to fit it into rules. You can put down some principles for yourself and share them with others, like on sufu, but starting to treat them like mathematical laws is ridiculous, and anyone doing so is making a complete fool out of himself.

Being all in one concept, with matching musical taste, political views etc, is a teenager thing, like deciding to become a gothic. At that age, it's very useful as a framework, a starting point from which you can mature as a person. Nothing wrong with it. But by the time you're well in your 20s, it'd better have dissolved into something less schematic, and more individual, wit all its paradoxes. To me that's what style is all about.

But then, I'm not a teenager.

Thank you.

rice is not a component of gado gado, but is served with it. stylistically serving rice w/ it historically originates from one place, but it is not an ingredient of gadox2...so i don't know how/why you'd bring this up.

you are right there would be alot of outrage if someone were to call this sushi. that would be dumb, infact it is foolish to even compare the two just as you are doing.

i did not even bring up fusion cuisine in the beginning. you did, which is okay and can somewhat be applied to the context of fusing aesthetics, but that wasn't my intent. the act of substituting peanut butter for wasabi makes no sense, serves no purpose and would taste terrible.

i using it to illustrate a point. i don't see how gado gado does. all you have done is foolishly tried to compare two very different types of cuisine.

you have also disregarded the various shit that japs put atop the "sushi" (which you claim is basically cold rice and wasabi...haha wrong).

your notion of the individual is liberal/romantic. the above should support my point 4 this conversation's context and i have humored you since food seems to be your forte (even though you don't seem to know about the food you've brought up/been talking about). i gather that mal should be on in a bit to drive the meat-stake home. grit teeth. hold tight.

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I said I *hope* they have the confidence to pull it off and when I mean they I meant you lowrider and no offense it wasn't really a dig on you in my part and if you felt it was then I think deep down part of you knows that that shit just doesn't feel right to you otherwise you wouldn't give two cents about what we think and go on and on pages about how much you don't care because you don't care enough to respond time after time.


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  jmatsu said:

your notion of the individual is liberal/romantic.

lol wut. Only from a totalitarian point of view could this be viewed/dismissed as liberal/romantic.

So, I understand my talk on food was flawed because gado gado is served with rice instead of partly consisting of it.

I'm so hungry.

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