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Lawless: start by selling me those books we talked about.

hey i'm sorry for the delay. just sent you a pm a minute ago.

lawless nothing stresses me more than financial insecurity i would go half time

but if you're okay with debt you should go ahead as it sounds like that's what you need in the long run

just don't fuck up your grades cause then you get the worst of both worlds i've been there/not pretty

i'd like to stay as far away from debt as possible but like i said it's impossible to pay for everything I listed plus classes and still stay afloat. think i'm gonna quit my job in the fall. shit, i hate feeling poor gonna have to get used to it.


sorry to hear about you being let go. my job pays so well that I honestly don't realize how bad the economy and unemployment rate is right now.

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something really eery about falling into a deep nap in the afternoon, going through a stage or REM accompanied by a weird dream, then waking up to the perpetual May gloom we've been having...ughh, i need a beer, some nice bright sunlight and less work :(

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"you know who you call, you gotta message, then leave it. the roc stand tall like you would never believe it. take your diamonds and throw 'em up like you bulimic. yeah, the beat cold, but the flow is anemic. after debris settles, and the dust gets swept off - big k pick up where young hov left off, right where magazines wrote kanye west off. i drop my new shit and it sounds like the best of..."

love this performance


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i want a job, but i dont want a job.

this weekend is some bar on patio thing where all the bars on a certain street are outside?

and its like a festival.


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there was some lady that came into the chocoshop today that commented on the shop closing, then asked what i was going to do after it closes. i told her i had no idea, she then referred me to check out this little patisserie cause they're always looking for help. i thought it was super nice of her to direct me, but it's pretty far from my house and i don't know if the pay will be worth it. bankin' on unemployment concept.

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^^ that's cause our feet are facing giiiiirl!!!

also, i feel you on the dress... i bought one recently and it's pretty but every time i try to wear it i feel not so natural, like too dressed up or something.

we might just be made to be fake boys!!

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So I just found out today that Stronger was actually sampled from a Daft Punk song.


<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86qu3rJ2DDQ&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86qu3rJ2DDQ&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

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Dude I am so fucking serious that I cut my fucking wrists for being that damn late with this shit.

I still remember when this single came out and my ex gf asked me "Hey baby, who is Kate Moss? Why does Kanye want a black Kate Moss? Is she pretty?"

I lawled a whole lot...

Sounds like what my ex gf would say. Broke up with her because she is too fucking dumb.

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