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I have a 3 hour block of tests today, because this is the week before midterms week.

6 hours of midterms next week.

I fucking hate Asian teachers that cram all this fucking horseshit in.

oh yeah, and I'm studying Chinese, so it's like +1000 characters to remember in 4 days. fuck this.

I'm pretty sure I got 97%, 95%, 100% on the 3 tests I took today. Study hard and remember shit. This week I've slept a total of 8 hours at night, excluding 6 hours in naps, 2 hours per day usually after class.

Cocktail club is tonight. Drink to submission. Oh just kidding, two more tests tomorrow, and it's not even Friday yet (yet another 2 more).

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Fuck, i think i want subway because of that stupid ass thread the other day. I know i'm going to regret it but i want it. I have some chicken, steak, and veggie skewers in the fridge from work, but i don't wanna eat em'. I want subway. I'm also planning on going to that 80year old burger place tomorrow for lunch. Fat people are still stylish right? FUCK

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i smell like


and when i whipe my noise charcoal comes out

i hate art class sometimes.

haha same here. that shit wreaks, specially if you spray it indoors (i kno, im an idiot). been working with charcoal lately in my class as well, you can taste it when you breathe in. you gotta be really careful if you wear nice jawns to art class.

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I've never seen a cat cry or barf

it's hard to imagine a cat crying


You've never seen a cat barf? That shit happens all the time

Also, how frustrating is it that the J Hederus for Kswiss sneakers are so close to being dope as shit, but just not quite there?

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haha same here. that shit wreaks, specially if you spray it indoors (i kno, im an idiot). been working with charcoal lately in my class as well, you can taste it when you breathe in. you gotta be really careful if you wear nice jawns to art class.

was wearing

beater h&m polo

apc jawns

topman bomber

topsiders w/ socks (its fucking cold)

so no harm, no foul. just dried my mouth/noise out.

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I can't remember the last time i wasn't on sufu late at night killing time because i didn't want to do a stupid ass lesson plan.

Fuck, walking to subway (car is in the shop) would probably take 15 there and 15 back. Worth it? I dunno. Subway melt seems so good in my mouth right now. omnomnomnomnom

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"help me with some math quick. your gay-ass forums can wait."

the girl who sits across from me at work, cocks her head and looks at me, clearly hungover this morning.

"sometimes I wonder if you ever do anything for this company."

"thats not a very nice thing to say.

but, yeah, me too."

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Does anyone else's neck get weird cramps when you yawn at awkward positions? Just happened to me and i swear i thought i was going to die.

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