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forreal ? how does it enhance the experience ?

i've got one dose of lsd i've been keeping for a while now. and i hate it because i'll be all by myself doing it and last time it happened i wish i could have shared with someone else. i'll either wait until someone else has one too or when i go visit my grandparents and am alone with mother nature...

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  crissyw said:
starting to think going to state intead of NYU would have been a better choice

i know a couple of people who initially didnt enjoy their time at NYU. mostly because of their roommate situation, but i also tend to think they enjoyed the idea of going to a school in NYC more than actually doing so. but nevertheless, they eventually started having a better time both academically and socially at the school. i dont know if you are a transfer or a freshmen, but i would suggest you give it a chance.

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  freecat said:
forreal ? how does it enhance the experience ?

i've got one dose of lsd i've been keeping for a while now. and i hate it because i'll be all by myself doing it and last time it happened i wish i could have shared with someone else. i'll either wait until someone else has one too or when i go visit my grandparents and am alone with mother nature...

EDIT: tmi..

it enhanced it like coke enhances anything lol. There just happened to be acid around so we dropped and tripped out for 18 hours and had a blast.

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  crissyw said:
freshman, thinking about transferring. thanks for all the input :)

First time away from Cali?

I think the freshman instinct is to hate on new surroundings regardless of where it is, because you're out of your comfort zone and have to adjust. I'm from LA and went to school up in the Bay and had pretty much the same reaction as you right off the bat for most of my first semester.

You'll be alright. Having whak roommates is part of the freshman experience, if you ask me.

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  cyberPUNK said:
correct answer is san francisco.

I think i'd like living there, but the cost of living is probably too high. I want to enjoy the next few years without breaking the bank (too much)_

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i think it depends on the type of blindness. i think that if they were born blind they dont know what anything looks like so they cant access any of these visuals/memories to 'see' while hallucinating; dont quote me on this but i read it somewhere, its like when blind people dream - if they are blind at birth they wont be able to dream of any images. but if they loss their sight at a later point on their life, they are able to access these memories&visuals for dreams.

edit;sorry for repeat didnt read the posts afterwards :(

  dino might! said:
Could certain psychedelic drugs enable blind people to "see" while under the influence? Since there is really nothing to be seen in real life when one is having visual hallucinations, and rather they exist purely in our minds, not our eyeballs, could this give momentary sight to the blind?

Realllllllly interested in the answer

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  DÃœM said:
I think I read that people blind from birth do not see in their dreams either. So, probably not.

Because they have absolutely no concept of what sight is in the first place. I would assume that it's the same for drugs. Hell, they could actually be seeing all kinds of crazy stuff but not realize it sort of like when you have a headache but aren't really aware of it until you think about it.

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  kaws&effect said:
definitely just smashed a chair over some du's head wwf styles

just mindin my own business trying to eat some sweet potato fries and gumbo with some friends and some drunk fuck comes up poppin off for no apparent reason

rip elk mids, we had a good run

pics? is that all we get?

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  JLizzy said:
First time away from Cali?

I think the freshman instinct is to hate on new surroundings regardless of where it is, because you're out of your comfort zone and have to adjust. I'm from LA and went to school up in the Bay and had pretty much the same reaction as you right off the bat for most of my first semester.

You'll be alright. Having whak roommates is part of the freshman experience, if you ask me.

ive been around a lot actually, 8 different states or so. NY by far my favorite.

hopefully my roommates wont suck as much as i think they do

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Do people who live in Portland, OR ever, EVER shut up about living in Portland, OR?

They are always, without exception, the most annoying, self-congratulatory people I have ever encountered. It is 10 times worse than I-live-in-NY syndrome. No one cares how awesome it is, and no one really quite believes you. Enjoy your town, I'm sure it's pleasant, but talking about it as if it is a major cultural hub doesn't mean that it is one.

Stop trying to make 'fetch' happen. It's not going to fucking happen.

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  dino might! said:
Could certain psychedelic drugs enable blind people to "see" while under the influence? Since there is really nothing to be seen in real life when one is having visual hallucinations, and rather they exist purely in our minds, not our eyeballs, could this give momentary sight to the blind?

Realllllllly interested in the answer

The beginning of the answer awaits you here, dino.

I remember reading somewhere--I have a pretty large psychedelics literature collection, so excuse the lack of a more specific reference--that congenitally blind people don't hallucinate on psychedelics (LSD, from memory), only those who lost sight later in life. It is an extremely curious case, not only because of the subjectivity of blindness itself, but because it also invites speculation about the nature of the origin of psychedelic hallucinations. What is the nature of the "hallucinations" experienced by blind people? How do they compare to those of a "sighted" person? I think the problem is the lack of a developed visual system within the brain.

You have triggered my curiosity dino, thanks. I will get back to you via pm.

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  Magnetic said:
man, like..

what if blind people are the ones who can really see, maaan?

what if we are the wild animals' pets maaaaan

what if we are all dinosaurs man, and the real man are chicken maaaann.

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