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  mpcec said:
Is he asking you for advice on it or are you just giving advice? If he isn't soliciting it he might be taking it the wrong way when you offer advice.

I typed up too much shit and then deleted it so I'll try to break it down simple, using my own experiences (my weight ballooned a lot in HS and I probably went from above 200 to around 170 +/- with really simple lifestyle changes.)

The most important thing is going to be consistency and willpower/ self determination on his part. Get him to change his eating habits first through portion control and small substitutions and then move on to all around healthier foods. (For example switching soda (providing he drinks it a lot) for water would help me lose weight for sure).

If your brother can just all around eat smaller portions and cut out some of the obviously terrible shit then he will lose weight just from that. That weight loss will inspire him to do simple workouts since his body will already be looking better. I'm guessing he is afraid to work out now in public since he is overweight. The smaller portions + smarter eating and simple work out will basically get him going on a healthier lifestyle. And once he stars working out his cravings will all together change from shitty foods to more wholesome ones.

I tried not to type too much but if you want some more simple advice feel free to PM me.

that was exactly what i did when i was younger and fat as fuck. which is also something i need to do soon because i'm turning to a pig.

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Fack, i'm nostalgia'ing hard.

I don't get the hate either, I would say that the music and story were definitely the best I came across.

Yeah.. junctioning was.. different, but it's something I haven't seen anywhere before or since, I always managed to miss Squall's last weapon! ARGH, his limit break towards the end was ridiiiiiiculous.

rep owed.



this requires a dubstep remix

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I liked the junction system. drawing shit at the beginning of the game was a lil weak but you learn refine quickly enough.

last time I played tho I was grinding for like 2h and went to fight ultima weapon before saving. Got schooled so quickly, I just dropped the controller and had to go out for a smoke or I would have broken something.

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awww shit all aboard the nostalgia train. i'll listen to the soundtracks and watch the play-throughs on youtube when I'm studying... hella nerd alert

some of my favorites:



who could forget:



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^My part time weekend job lets me do that, there's only so much time you can use the internet for non-stop...

On that note, gotta try and buy a mousemat today as I've worn away a spot on my desk and my optical mouse pauses when it goes over that spot...

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