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The Road definitely is excellent. I hope the movie turns out alright, its been plagued with production problems :(

It should have been out in November but apparently the rough cut tested pretty badly with audiences.

It supposedly finally made it out of Post Production.

They better not fuck this one up!

Was thinking we could do with a dedicated thread soon...

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Reading The Road and loving it. Went to look it up on IMDB to find out that On The Road is also being made into a film. Not sure how well that could go. My suspicion is not very.

Was excited to see that The Road will star Michael Williams who plays Omar in The Wire.

Some good movies coming out in the next few months.

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My god. So they have some actual discussion about kunk.

but then xeno shows up and I guess he's a 4channer or whatever you call em. They see the stuff dug up from that sufu thread of his, much laughter is had, and then we get

XenoX101 02/15/09(Sun)09:01 No.770148

Threads such as these created purely for abusing me shouldn't belong here. I could kill myself because of all this, and some of you, certainly, could be reprehensible. I'm not the type of person to do such a thing over an internet matter, nor am I one to take anything personally or to heart spoken from someone who doesn't know me well (in this case, at all). But hypothetically, this could involve the police. One could argue I brought it on myself, but can we be blamed for being ourself if nobody else gets hurt? Actions and words, regardless of through what medium they are made, are legally binding. If you harass me to some extent, and that causes something, you are to blame, period.

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II am gettin drrrruuuunnnkkk

Pray for copulationz

Pretty pathetic I am posting on this shit from the barPray for my dignityyyyyyyyy

update on this from last night:

was already pretty hammered when i posted that from my phone. ended up going to a titty bar.

bought myself a dance and ended up making out with a cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute stripper in the booth. but she wouldn't give me her number? okay bitch.

so i went into stealth mode:


later she came over and started talking to me again but i was totally disinterested. some dude sitting next to me was wearing creed and all i wanted to do was sit there and sniff that mother fucker. damn he smelled good.

somehow made it home and smashed an angry whopper.

and then i woke up to this. apparently i thought it would be constructive to write myself a scathing note.

on my arm.

with a sharpie.


all i can really make out is "HAVE FUN SCRUBBING BITCH".

i also told myself to "take a fucking shower"?


don't know who the fuck that is.

i have to go find a long sleeve shirt.

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