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Need to buy a pair of indigo dry selvedge jeans that get great honeycombs over time. Was thinking of spending up to $250 AUD with a looser cut like RRDS. So far I'm thinking:

Nudie RRDS


Any other recommendations?

Kinda leaning away from Nudie as they are so popular, and I plan to make this my next project jean.

Other recommendations would be appreciated.

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OK, there are just too many jeans I'd like to wear so some advice would be appreciated

Need to select two pair out of this list

SDA 103

Flat Head F380

Samurai 0500XX

FOB Factory F161

Real McCoy S614

Steam Locomotive D62XX (hipflare might be an issue with these)

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I generally like the cut of the current 501 (US)

What year LVC would I like if i wanted a slightly tighter fit? Would the 1947 be too much?

The 1955? I hear that the 1955 retains indigo well as it fades...and yeah...i want it to stay dark :)


I have both and the 55's were too anti-fit and boxy. The 47's are what you're looking for.

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Thanks...Which LVC would I get if I wanted a fit that was very similar to the current 501 (US)?

I got the regular 501 stf's and I've been wearing em everyday. Aside from the leg twist, I really like how they fit. The new packages look tempting and if i'm blowing a lot of money on a jean, I want to make sure that I like em. I would appreciate a slightly slimmer fit, but I've got sort of muscular thighs from cycling and I fill these pretty well as it is...so yeah...

thanks a lot.

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Flathead F380's or Imperial Dukes? Gonna get one of em this week. Suggestions?

Those two jeans doesn't even remotely compare.

The dukes are a pair of very slimfitting and very high rise jeans while the flatheads are a straight cut and more humane rise.

I've never seen the big thing about imperial denim (owns a pair btw)..

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