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I don't understand what people find exciting about this show. I tried watching an episode but I fell asleep in my own urine halfway through :(.

ahaha i know, it doesn't seem like it would be very entertaining but for some reason i'm totally into it. it's so captivating ahaha. i guess because it's considered to be 'the deadliest job' people are drawn to shit like that.

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Keagan, how was that GY!BE film? Worth trying to hunt it down?

nearly unwatchable- boring as shit. I sat through it though. It's documentary about a japanese biker gang- one guy in particular (Obviously, it's got nothing to do with the band)- I am sure you know.

I have a vhs copy and the picture is horrid, maybe if I actually bought the dvd?...

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^Truth. I've noticed that myself on so many occasions. I also get very hungry when I see them eating bulgogi or pretty much anything at those tent restaurants.

Nah, we be eating some chicken assholes and fish soup inside them tents. (0)

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I recently watched this for the first time, why I haven't seen it before, I'm not sure, but Kim Ki-duk, I always love watching this guy's flicks. I'd love to hang out with this guy, just to see what comes out of his mouth. He turns out one or two movies a year, most with very little verbal dialogue and he goes down that road of very sparse and anticlimactic movies, but he makes these smart, multi-layered metaphors and social commentaries that are subtle and so circular that sometimes it's confusing as to who the joke is on at any given moment.


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I recently watched this for the first time, why I haven't seen it before, I'm not sure, but Kim Ki-duk, I always love watching this guy's flicks. I'd love to hang out with this guy, just to see what comes out of his mouth. He turns out one or two movies a year, most with very little verbal dialogue and he goes down that road of very sparse and anticlimactic movies, but he makes these smart, multi-layered metaphors and social commentaries that are subtle and so circular that sometimes it's confusing as to who the joke is on at any given moment.

[i mg]http://cinephile.files.wordpress.com/2008/02/05-07-3-iron.jpg[/img]

Memories of Murder had a lot great social commentary as well, set to the backdrop of mid-80's unrest in Korea.

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Memories of Murder had a lot great social commentary as well, set to the backdrop of mid-80's unrest in Korea.

This was more of a mainstream flick based on a true story, and true it had a bit of social commentary, but I think it was more a pisstake at the retro wave that swept Korea post-Friend, which was inevitable as people started making the past look a little rosy around 2001-2003 and the backlash from the 386 generation Koreans who knew better was going to happen.

There are quite a few films that came out right after this that go further on the subject and similar ones, Song Gang-ho's next film after MoM was Hyoja-dong Barber, which a was not so funny comedy dealing with the Park Chung Hee era.

Kim Ki-Duk though, that guy is in a league of his own when it comes to making these social commentaries about Korea, I think of him as a painter who happens to make movies, which is not coincidentally far from the truth. Most of his movies you'd be able to see in the US are worth watching and mulling over a few times til you figure out exactly what he's on about. 3-iron has literally, like 20 lines in the whole script, but I still think it's rather economic and concise and each scene has layers of underlying messages.

Anyhow, a few other Korean films that came out in recent years and didn't get much press outside of Korea, that I think are really worth watching if you can seek them out:

Rikidozan - about the father of pro wresting in Japan, relatively light but entertaining


Silmido - based on a true event that had been previously classified by Korean Intelligence, this one came out right before or after Taegukki/Brotherhood and did really well in Korea, but had less international appeal than Brotherhood, but this is a great, great film that has far more character. Brought me to tears in the end.


Kazoku Cinema - really odd pick, most Korean people have never seen/heard of this movie before. I really like it and think it's funny, but it's a bottom of the bin DVD because it's misunderstood. It's a Korean production, but completely in Japanese because it's a story of a Korean-Japanese 2+3rd generation family and their daily ins and outs. Asian-Americans might be able to draw better parallels and find the humor in this than Koreans themselves. Typical Korean cinema-style ironic humor.


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I have Taxi Driver, Brick, The Maltese Falcon, Le Samourai, Alphaville, Ferris Buellers Day Off, and Starship Troopers (last two are guilty pleasures) on my computer.


Those are some good movies. Le Samourai is my favorite of that bunch. Not sure what you should watch first... but does it really matter? I have dozens of unwatched movies and I mostly just watch them at random, unless something new comes up that I've been waiting to see...So I'm about to watch this:


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