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I am running a 48x19 ratio and find it a pain, not that efficient feeling atleast for me. I had a 52x19 before and it felt pretty good, but now I ordered a 15 cog so we'll see how that is when it arrives. I just like the higher ratios, I guess since I don't skid much.

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I am running a 48x19 ratio and find it a pain, not that efficient feeling atleast for me. I had a 52x19 before and it felt pretty good, but now I ordered a 15 cog so we'll see how that is when it arrives. I just like the higher ratios, I guess since I don't skid much.

I am running 49 x 19...its awesomeeee and the skid patch is good. At the start of my fixed gear riding i bought a track bike it is running on 52x16, it was completely harecoreeee.

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I recently ordered a mercier kilo tt off bikesdirect. It seemed to be a good started bike from what I've heard but i was just wondering is their anyone who has had issues with this bike or anyone who would suggest I change something right away or would you say its okay to ride right out of the box? thanks

Just ride it...But i heard they got crappy tyres over all is good. Also their handle bar looks crappy IMO.

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Just ride it...But i heard they got crappy tyres over all is good. Also their handle bar looks crappy IMO.

yeah i was thinking about flipping and chopping the bars but i figured i'd ride it see how i liked it if i still thought it sucked id get them chopped, and thanks i'll look into getting new tires after a little while. suggestions anyone?

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yeah i was thinking about flipping and chopping the bars but i figured i'd ride it see how i liked it if i still thought it sucked id get them chopped, and thanks i'll look into getting new tires after a little while. suggestions anyone?

Conti Gatorskin...abit pricy but good and durable. I use them for commuting.

mmmmmh I do run shitty tyres if i know I gonnna skid for the whole night and doing flatland. Shitty tyres cost $9.95AUD.

Stay away from vittoria I skid through them sooo easily but they cost half the price of conti gator skin but have less than half the life of gatorskin.

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Is it a better idea to buy a hub & have my bike shop wire it onto the rims or should I just get a prebuilt wheelset?

It doesn't really matter if the shop you take it knows what they're doing..whatever is cheaper is what i would do.

As far as the MASH dvd goes, fuck that price. I hope there will be a torrent.

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hey guys

i'm currently riding a specialized langster fixed gear in atlanta. i use 48X16 gearing. it's not too bad since i ride mainly flatland or mellow hills but i can't seem to skid. i don't care too much, but just wondering what kind of insight you guys can give me.

i also REALLY want to add some colors to my bike (it's the flat grey/black with white decals, stock components(picked it up for $200!)) so any suggestions for grips, tires, bars, chains, etc to add some color would be much appreciated.

i LOVE riding fixed. no need for that freewheel that the langster came with anymore!

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i've heard of performance having sales on gatorskins once and a while.

i still swear by my vittoria randos. they've lasted me a month and i've only got to my second layer of rubber, no wires yet. 28 bucks a month isnt too bad, compared to gas. i would be bitching if i had to change tires every two weeks.

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hey guys

i'm currently riding a specialized langster fixed gear in atlanta. i use 48X16 gearing. it's not too bad since i ride mainly flatland or mellow hills but i can't seem to skid. i don't care too much, but just wondering what kind of insight you guys can give me.

i also REALLY want to add some colors to my bike (it's the flat grey/black with white decals, stock components(picked it up for $200!)) so any suggestions for grips, tires, bars, chains, etc to add some color would be much appreciated.

i LOVE riding fixed. no need for that freewheel that the langster came with anymore!

skidding has more to do with putting all your weight forward and locking up than gear ratio

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zelah: i don't know what magical world you're living in, it's quite easy to skid if you have a lighter gear ratio. go ride more, watch less youtube.

haha wow what? fuck yourself. you throw yourself forward enough it doesn't matter what your gear ratio is. you want to skid sitting down? thats another story, but flat out skidding? technique > ratio.

now get the fuck out with that ride more watch less youtube shit

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yeah i was thinking about flipping and chopping the bars but i figured i'd ride it see how i liked it if i still thought it sucked id get them chopped, and thanks i'll look into getting new tires after a little while. suggestions anyone?

Soma everwears are money. 5mm thick tread that lasts me about 2 months with TONS of skidding. for 35 bucks they rock.

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Soma everwears are money. 5mm thick tread that lasts me about 2 months with TONS of skidding. for 35 bucks they rock.

i got a pretty good sized nail in mine after about a week, other than that i can't complain

check your pms

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skidding has more to do with putting all your weight forward and locking up than gear ratio

Gear ratio and technique they are two significant elements for skidding. May be just me I cannot skid in a gearing that is greater than 49x17.

Speed is actually the most important factor..faster u r..easier to lock up.

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for skidding through your weight as far forward as possible. dont' worry about flipping over the bars its not gunna happen. put you balls on your stem. practice in a open parking lot when its realy wet. if you can't skid then just quit

that was a joke just keep practicing.

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