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APC denim


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I just bought a pair of APC standard jeans in size 28 after reading this post. can't wait. i've never worn anything but Levi's and the current one i got is a 1947 501xx... thought i'd post a pic of the wear process. 2 months and counting. if the APC looks anyhthing like this i'm in heaven.



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Hey Denimite. I just checked my old e-mails, the minimum was around 4-5k in yards, Kaihara that is. You should contact them direct. I don't know if they have stock or make it up for you, I didn't get into that. E-mail me if you like and I can give you all the information I have, which isnt that much really, but may help all the same? Take it easy. Ande

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I went by this week a small shop in the east village that carries APC stuff, they do their own label as well.

the kid was quite knowledgable about APC and clothes in general. anyone with APC questions should go there. I have seen him working at the main APC store as well.

on 5th street between bowery and 2nd, look for a pink building. cant miss.

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I ordered 2 pairs of jeans from A.P.C. yesterday. Unisex and Rescue. I selected 3 day shipping for 14 bucks, and when they charged everything they gave me the shipping for free, at least I thought they did for a quick minute.

I guess they tricked me. Because I just got charged. Ohhh well...

Edited by TragicBliss on Jun 27, 2005 at 04:02 PM

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After hearing all y'all talk about APC, I decided to pick up a pair. Im impressed but the pockets aren't that deep. Can't fit shit in them.

--- Original message by Persia on Jun 27, 2005 07:01 PM

what are you trying to carry around?

i fit my keys, chapstick, wallet, and ernomus sidekick (worst device EVER) in my jeans.




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thanks wild_whiskey! that is a compliment :) the jeans are 3 inches too long in the inseam. Basically I try to preserve the creases as they are... I don't fold them, I hang them. As much as I can, I let the bottom the way it is, preserving the original creases. Starch can help define them creases... spray a lot in the bottom of the jeans and put pressure on the creases while your wearing them. Ow, and I plan to get them hemmed once the wear marks are visible enough.

Edited by Geowu on Jun 29, 2005 at 06:30 PM

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had mine hemmed too. just remember that they'll shrink from 1-1.5" on the first wash. tell your tailor to measure twice, cut once...and keep the original hem just in case they shrink too much and you have to let them out a little.

i trust my tailor 100%, he's always done a great job with my odd requests.

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"Neitzsche is Dead" - God icon_smile_cool.gif

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I did it myself- Cut off 2.25", folded it over once (wish I folded twice), and stiched it all the way around in bright yellow thread. I like it alot, very uneven and poorly done, but they're unique and I like that I did it. I suck as sewing btw.

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i had my mom hem mine...she rocks lol. perfectly done hem and according to her it wasn't very difficult. i'm going to take some photos of mine when i get a chance. i've been wearing them every day for about 1 and 1/2 months

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Quote: Ow, and I plan to get them hemmed once the wear marks are visible enough.

Yea I can already see a little highlighting coming in there. That is really unique, they're going to look awesome. Keep us updated. I might give that a shot as I have some new jeans coming in a couple weeks...

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if you want to get them hemmed ask the tailor if he can do "original hem" if he asks what you mean or gives you a blank stare leave the store and repeat this process until you find a tailor that knows what you're talking about. If you want them to look like they weren't altered then you need to have the original hem reattached.

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