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Dior Homme Denim (FAQ ON FIRST PAGE - read me)


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I got my pair of 19CM Raw Indigos from Thegrapist(Thanks man). My measured waist is 30 but I got a 29. The buttoned all they way and where not to tight around the waist like some people claim. I dont need belt though but I wear one anyways of course. I love them so much. I just have to figure out how to stack them.

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yeah, i knew the belt was a no-no but its the only one that i can actually use tight...

jskidder: i seriously think wearing t's long enough to cover the belt beats the purpose of wearing them (belts).

diorluvr: i'm in paris right now... really worried about whats it gonna be like wearin these back in Rio when summer comes haha

have you guys seen this seasons' 17.5cm in white? i got one if anyone cares for fit pix. its extremely tight. 8% polyurethane. it's also kinda transparent, since the denim is really thin.

*edit for grammar.

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Guest diorluvr
  TheGrapist said:
Yeah .... no. Wear a belt, just a better one than the one you've got. No one pays attention to the button or lack thereof. There's a reason why the jeans have belt loops.

i really love the industrial hook and eye hidden placket and think its ultra chic smart design. according to therapist i'm apparently the only one who thinks this?? also to me it helps justify the price.

therapist would know.

turquoise is rad the new color is crimson. its like a pinkish red.

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  rafael.agp said:
right, i just got myself my first raw denim, dior's 19cm indigo mij's, and since i'm quite the newb i'd like some advice.

fit pix (ignore rest of the outfit :P), only a day and a half of wear:




yeah, i've no ass at all ;/

comments on the fit?

i sized down one, so those are 27, and i can't close the clasps. from what i've "researched" here, that's alright since the waist will stretch. my question is, does wearin a belt over the open clasps make any difference to stretchin the waist?

any links to pix of well broken dior's with a lot of contrast and not so much? still can't make up my mind about contrast.

Fit is fine but learn how to dress, man.

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you need to be schooled on proportions buddy. You have really long legs and SUPER short shirt/jacket. Makes your legs look like theyre 8 feet long with a short torso. That big ass belt buckle, aside from lookng pretty ridiculous, only helps to segment your body even more.

Get a buckle-less belt and buy shirts and jackets 3-4 inches longer and i think you'd be en pointe.

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doesn't upset me at all. not that kind of guy. but it's the kind of thing you'll get hell for on here. your general info answers are on the first coupla pages.

at least until now, dior raw mij and mii 19cm and 21cm have a button clasp, i.e., hidden button. and visit my other posts before giving me any lip. good luck and goodnight, kenny from MD.

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  Zubin said:

you need to be schooled on proportions buddy. You have really long legs and SUPER short shirt/jacket. Makes your legs look like theyre 8 feet long with a short torso. That big ass belt buckle, aside from lookng pretty ridiculous, only helps to segment your body even more.

Get a buckle-less belt and buy shirts and jackets 3-4 inches longer and i think you'd be en pointe.

point taken, i do have a small torso and long legs. tbh tho, the pic perspective is in an upward angle which worsens the matter.

  defiance said:
the purpose of wearing a belt is to keep your pants from dropping, not for people to see.
  Mihalis said:
^ i agree, but i think it's apparent that anyone who would buy a belt buckle as tacky and flashy as that thinks differently. :(
  kunk75 said:
yeah. belts are more a necessity to me. i have one blue leather and black suede CDG belt i really love-aside from that i go for a black belt with the most non-obtrusive buckle possible.

yeah u guys are right... still trying to forget the "indie rocker" dressing ways (short t's with belts showin and all that).

thanks a lot for the pointers, that's what i'm here for :D

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  kunk75 said:
doesn't upset me at all. not that kind of guy. but it's the kind of thing you'll get hell for on here. your general info answers are on the first coupla pages.

at least until now, dior raw mij and mii 19cm and 21cm have a button clasp, i.e., hidden button. and visit my other posts before giving me any lip. good luck and goodnight, kenny from MD.

like i said, i checked around a bit and didnt see what i was looking for and this was faster. thanks for the info, appreciate it

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im debating on sizing down on my next dior raw purchase from a 29 to a 28. when i bought the 29 black raws at first i was able to close the clasp even though it was difficult. is it fine if on the 28 i can not close the clasp at first?

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Yep, nice fit man!

Question for everybody:

I am thinking of buying some Orange Overdye jeans with a 21 cm cut but because I am only 1,74 m tall I fear that the stacking will look a bit weird due to the bigger leg opening...

On the other hand I like the wash a lot and also am kind of "tired" of only wearing slim fitting jeans.

I need some variation in my wardrobe and I think the 21 cm cut could be a good alternative. Still straight and slim but not too baggy or bootcut-like...

Any experiences/opinions? TheGrapist maybe...? ;)

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^^ really nice fit ace! :)

by the way I just got MIJ 21cm in size 30 ,the fit is nice on the thigh, it is tight but it is more like comfortable tight where i know it will stretch out after few wears.My little concern is the waist is a bit loose,i can close the clasp when i first got them but I afraid they will stretch out too big. I got small waist relatively but a bit muscular aka chunky thighs.I wear 29 in my LVC 47 and SC Hawaii.

here are couple of fit pics



so what you guys think?

should i swap it with size 29 or should I stay with the 30s and wear belt along?

and also should i hem them? my calves are abit slender making the hems look kidda flared out.... :o

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