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Hi all! And Merry Christmas!

I need your help.... Santa gave me a Midnight P-Jacket! Yeay!

But i need some advice on soaking it.... Has anyone tried a hot soak? If so... Did it shrink much? And did the fabric/colour change much?

You see, it's a size 38 and the sleeves are a bit too long, and it's a bit "roomy". Thankful for help and advice!

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^Docblue soaked his, and I'll be hot soaking mine tomorrow. I always have an ideal chest and sleeve dimension in mind, and I sit there and monitor shrinking with a tape measure. Once I get just the right amount of shrinkage, I drain the water and do a quick cold soak to stop shrinking. A bit OCD, but it gets me just the right size every time.

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It depends on how much shrinking you want to happen. I didn't want much, so I did hot, but not the hottest tap water, and that was only for ~5-7 minutes. I was holding the tape measure up to the sleeve and could actually feel the sleeve shrinking. If you want a lot of shrinking, then go with the hottest tap water and even add a pot of boiling water.

I'll let it drip dry throughout the day and then wear it for a while as it is still damp. That's a good time to stretch out the shoulders and back for a better fit.


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Yeah, almostnice always kills his. I'm gonna use him as a role model and buy some Key overalls to wear over my Roys next year when I'm doing house renovations.

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I'm right at one year of actual wear on my 7161s, so I thought I'd post up some photos. These started out as one wash, and they've been hand washed about 8 times, and machine washed once. I wasn't going for high contrast fades at all. These jeans could easily go at least another six months, but they'll be hanging in the closet for pretty much the whole next year with the Roy contest going on. I adjusted light levels on some of the photos so they were all about the same, but no other adjustments were made.






And just for fun, here's what they looked like right out of the box


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I'm right at one year of actual wear on my 7161s, so I thought I'd post up some photos. These started out as one wash, and they've been hand washed about 8 times, and machine washed once. I wasn't going for high contrast fades at all. These jeans could easily go at least another six months, but they'll be hanging in the closet for pretty much the whole next year with the Roy contest going on. I adjusted light levels on some of the photos so they were all about the same, but no other adjustments were made.






And just for fun, here's what they looked like right out of the box


Very nice pair Zissou.

i got a 7161 modified, brand new hanging in my closet too that will wait a while before i can start fading them but they are among my All Star favorites .... too bad i could not find a non modifed pair.

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Must spread, zissou. The fourth photo shot of the back struck me the most-- those blues and tracks are AMAZING.

THanks! You know, I didn't think I had much traintracks going on on that right outseam until I looked at this photo. The selvage is really narrow, so I didn't expect much to show up.

Zissou! Can't say enough! They look amazing!
Very nice pair Zissou.

i got a 7161 modified, brand new hanging in my closet too that will wait a while before i can start fading them but they are among my All Star favorites .... too bad i could not find a non modifed pair.

I think the MDs look great, too, Doc. I think the Edo Ai knee patch stood out a little too much, which is why I removed it.

Thanks for the compliments and +reps, folks! I will be sad to see these hang in the closet, but I could really use a change of jeans. Good thing the Roys are ready. To answer a couple of rep questions, I still have the Edo Ai knee patch, and the circle fade is from Burt's Bees, not condoms. Sorry, I'm not that badass :)

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^Cheers, guys. Love that CPO, TS.

I sewed a jigger button on the inside of the midnight P coat, like with my Liberty Issue. I removed the second button on the left and sewed it back to back with the jigger.


Love that 16oz midnight twill.


At attention and ready for duty.


Fit pics tomorrow...

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^Stuff looks good, but I need to see a higher res copy of it. TS, does Kinokuniya have it? I thought about subscribing, but I think the writing is terrible. Would like to get my hands on this issue though.

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I thought about trying to put a liner in the pea coat, but I don't think I have the room! I think I could manage a vest, so we'll see...

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