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  roy6 said:


. . .

Too cool for school. I hope you fall and eat it! Did Vin leave anything in those cuff pockets for you?

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  ThisSunday said:
what the hell are roy6 and almostnice doing in here? :D


When you get older, like agedlynice and myself, you have to make an effort to not become predictable.

The dungarees are the Japanese market one-wash version, hand-me-downs from Vinneus, and I also gave them a soak and a short spin in the dryer, since they were a bit big. They shrank up a bit more from that.

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damn.. theres a store here in sweden that got all mister freedom clothes on half price. so tempted to buy a mulholland master in black. a lot of money for a student.. but still, really fucking tempting! maybe i should tip you guys off so you can take it off the site, haha.

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Tell us or pm me!!!!

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fuck fuck fuck! i just went with the family to the northsea today for a little holiday.i know the shop but not being able to buy anything from this bloody rednecks kaff! sitting right now in some ofthe worst pubs you can imagine,struggling with a dead slow computer which costs 3€ an hour to use.oh bother!

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The vultures are circling, Piddan. You better decide if you are going to get it, and then post up that shop's web address :)

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  rnrswitch said:
Too cool for school. I hope you fall and eat it! Did Vin leave anything in those cuff pockets for you?
  Vinneus said:

there was a bunch of hair clippings in them, i was saving for Marcus!

Aside from the Lando clippings, there was:

- a receipt from Walgreens for:

1 xl Slurpee

1 4 oz. Royal Gate vodka

1 Family-sized pckg RID (some kind of stain remover?)

3 microwave burritos

5 pckgs pantyhose, queen-size, in 'Cinnamon'

1 extended handle shoe horn

1 pckg double-wide rubber bands

1 issue 'Mature Pink' magazine (August)

- two metal tokens stamped "Carnival Adult Bookstore"

-and a raisin. At least, I really hope it was a raisin.

I love the pants, Vin, but turn your pockets out before you ship.

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Oh Vin, I'm sure everyone knows I was just kidding around.

For the record, the dungarees Vinneus sent me were pristine, no visible wear, nothing in the pockets, 100% pest free, and arrived in two days.

So far as I know Vinneus is not an aficionado of: older, cinnamon colored ladies; Slurpee cocktails; or doing obscure things with shoehorns & rubber-bands.


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This fuck company. Making cool things with awful tall to thin ratios.

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