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when youre dumbfounded when your friend confronts you when youre drunk to tell you that you shouldnt do things to impress other people, like wearing your jeans so long without washing. (that actually pissed me off) - seriously.....hmm..how am I going to impress people today? I know! I wont wash my clothes! Genius! Maybe I should have been like "Im not like you. Im not worried that I wont impress people. Therefore, I dont feel the need to wash my jeans" Throw it right back..

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when youre dumbfounded when your friend confronts you when youre drunk to tell you that you shouldnt do things to impress other people, like wearing your jeans so long without washing. (that actually pissed me off) - seriously.....hmm..how am I going to impress people today? I know! I wont wash my clothes! Genius! Maybe I should have been like "Im not like you. Im not worried that I wont impress people. Therefore, I dont feel the need to wash my jeans" Throw it right back..

theres nothing about wearing something for long period of time thatll impress anybody. haha,dont know how where he got that from,its just the price we pay for good fades. :rolleyes:

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hahaha your friend needs some fraking marajuana or something, chill the hell out, I'm assuming it's a she and that she was jealous, because, probably she was jealous, that you are cool enough to pull it off, and of course, that you are hotter than her even in stinky jeans.

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Shes a GAP girl. All my friends that live near me are GAP people. Its me vs. the world when it comes to anything pop-culture related when Im around them. *sigh* I just keep my mouth shut and appear indifferent usually. I dont even want to start. But after I got a few in me last night watching the VMA's with them...I saw the Bape..I made fun of it...it all started with "what the hell is Bape and what is so much better to wear?" It all went downhill from there. It ended with everyone thinking Im making all this shit up, etc. brands, etc. mostly to appear "different than everyone else".

I had to console my APC's for hours after those harsh words. Its not cool for them to be subjected to such disdain!

But you know what? It makes me happy for the right reasons. Its not crack. Its not a cheaply made logo-emblazoned t-shirt of the moment. Its fine craftsmanship and pure passion. And I dig that.

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I wanted to accomplish my goal of wearing my pair for more than 24 hours straight, and when I took them off to shower the weft was imprinted in my knees and thighs. I told my brother then he gave me the "who cares" look.

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  • 5 months later...

You'll know when you are a denim addcit when: 1.) Rotation of raw denims goes totally out of control . 2.) When you keep obsessing about the next denim to buy. 3.) When you start looking at other people's denims and realising that only 5 percent of the 1000 pairs you've seen are reallly 'premium'. 4.) Your bed sheets are turning indigo. 5.) You're sexually aroused at the feel of a 21 oz. Iron Heart straight cut jeans.

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...when you have a random dream about a mate you've not seen for two years and he is telling you how he has not washed his jeans for seven months.

...you have two pairs (or more) of brand new raw denim in your wardrobe but refuse to wear them as you are "working" on the current pair you have been wearing for ten months.

... carry items for no reason but to get fades. i.e carrying a zippo but you don't smoke.

...when somebody says "nice jeans what kind are they?" and you reply "the same ones" since they have seen them at least a dozen times before as you don't wear any others.

...you don't use napkins as you wipe your hands on your thighs

...get excited when reading about a process you don't know - boiling water on leather patches!!!!

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Alright, I get every single thing in this thread. I stack my wallet with index cards and I'm always concerned that a professor is going to get pissed when I go to the bathroom during a test and he checks my pockets only to find about 20 flashcards stuffed in my wallet. Try explaining that in front of 35 other people. The only one that doesn't make sense to me is the wiping of hands on your lap. Why not do that when they are clean?

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  • 2 weeks later...

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