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What'd you do last night?...


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Train broke down so I wandered the streets for a while, got some macaroni & cheese, saw a free showing of some indie flick, kinda bad. Wandered back to the train and bumped into a friend who had done the same exact thing except for mac & cheese, he didn't like the movie either. Back home>office>30 rock and thats about it.

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last night most of my family celebrated my grandpas 83rd birthday. his favorite food is pipian, a type of chicken mole, so he always asks for that. i am not a fan, but aunt made tri-tip so i had that, and some really overly chocolaty cake. While there we watched some program on stevie ray vaughn then watched the colts trounce the ravens.

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did some work until around 1230...

then headed out, met some friends, and saw black sun empire. great tunes, massive system.

came home about 4 then did a bit more work before grabbing a couple of hours sleep.

now.....keep working for a little while, then start packing my bags for japan!

I saw you outside Rise ><

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Drove home from school, my engine started making all kinds of crazy sounds. Figured my car was gonna break down on the way. Got stuck in some real bad traffic, somehow the car was still in one piece when I got home.

Went over to my friend's place, drank some vodka and played "are you smarter than a 5th grader?"

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helmut lang art show at the journal gallery. eye candy in more ways than one.

go to the fucking wnyu rave tonight ya bastid.

last night:

went to the gym

went out to dinner with a friend

consoled a lady friend who just got dumped

copped some beers with a hey mister

chilled at my friends house

drove home

sat around, im'd, watched Roman Holiday

tried to cure myself of this awful head cold

went to bed.

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