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RRL Rodeo Ralph Lauren


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  • 2 weeks later...

RRL's bring me mighty disappointment...I walk into the Ralph Lauren Store and Barney's, feel the jeans up and down wanting to buy but know that I can get them cheaper...But I swear I've been to every TJ Maxx and Marshall's in Michigan AND Illinois and still can't find any RRL's...I'm going to give up or try the outlets whenever I get a chance...

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RRL's bring me mighty disappointment...I walk into the Ralph Lauren Store and Barney's, feel the jeans up and down wanting to buy but know that I can get them cheaper...But I swear I've been to every TJ Maxx and Marshall's in Michigan AND Illinois and still can't find any RRL's...I'm going to give up or try the outlets whenever I get a chance...

I usually see two or three RRL pieces at the Ralph outlets whenever I go but i've never seen any denim. idk why but good luck with the hunt

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RRL's bring me mighty disappointment...I walk into the Ralph Lauren Store and Barney's, feel the jeans up and down wanting to buy but know that I can get them cheaper...But I swear I've been to every TJ Maxx and Marshall's in Michigan AND Illinois and still can't find any RRL's...I'm going to give up or try the outlets whenever I get a chance...

I found my raw pair by accident--I was running around looking for ski pants and just found them at TJ Maxx by accident. They were $40 and I fit perfectly. Honestly, they are nice jeans, but I would not pay retail for the considering what the $250 can buy you in handmade Japanese jawns. But for ebay prices, <$100, the denim is pretty nice, however, the fit is definitely not always up to par.

tl;dr: Not really worth the trouble/time to look for them.

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Had some time to kill today so figured it might be helpful to have fit pics of the slim boot, low straight, and straight leg. All are tagged 30 with 32 actual waist except for the slim boot which measures around 33. You can click on them for larger size.

Slim Bootcut:

th_IMG_0960.jpg th_IMG_0962.jpg th_IMG_0963.jpg

Low Straight:

th_IMG_0964.jpg th_IMG_0965.jpg th_IMG_0966.jpg

Straight Leg:

th_IMG_0967.jpg th_IMG_0968.jpg th_IMG_0969.jpg

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just posted on supermarket before realizing I probably should've posted here instead. I have a pair of 28 x 34 slim boot cut that I'd love to trade someone for a smaller size. PM me if interested.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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