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7.5 hour bus ride into new york. took the R to 5th ave, bought some smokes. had a cigarette by central park. turned around, went back to port authority. waited in line for 2 hours. 5 hour bus ride home. the train stops at 12:30am... and my car was parked at the train station parking garage. slept at the bus station... finally got home at 7am.

this is what i do

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7.5 hour bus ride into new york. took the R to 5th ave, bought some smokes. had a cigarette by central park. turned around, went back to port authority. waited in line for 2 hours. 5 hour bus ride home. the train stops at 12:30am... and my car was parked at the train station parking garage. slept at the bus station... finally got home at 7am.

this is what i do

went to NY to buy smokes?

didnt even stop by SUPLEME?

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during the sunday before christmas, i taught this 3 year old how to attack people in church who werent on the dark side. hed ask "are you on the darkside?" and if they said no, hed starts hitting them with a 4 foot long wooden stick. hes adorable.

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congrats on the new job. i quit 2 months ago myself,from an old job.have to start looking for a new one soon.

yeah, i worked remote for the last 2 months in nyc and traveled for the project.

thanks rajio! 3.5 yrs is definitely a long time and i needed to do more interesting stuff. tech consulting suxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

why you think youre the cause? pm me,if u want to ellaborate.

three people i know died this week :(


I was not the cause of any of it...I hope...

getting old sucks

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Really? I'm actually considering applying there and leaving my current job.

maybe your store won't be that bad but mine was mad retarded. condescending managers, bitchy customers(as to be expected), retarded ass hours, and to top it off, i can't stand best buys selling strategy/mantra. it's fucking stupid. "we're a services company that happens to sell products" the fuck is that? no, you're a fucking retail company. not a services company. don't lie to your self.

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my brother is headed to london tomorrow and i pretty pissed that he didnt ask me if i wanted to tag along. thing that bugs me is that he is taking this trip while still oweing me a bit of money, so i dont know when hes gonna pay me back.

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apparently the hostel i'll be staying at has a bed bug problem.

Don't do it!!

A Swedish friend of mine said when she was backpacking she stayed in some mighty rank hostels on got bed bugs a couple of times. Says they are hella itchy and hard to get rid of.

Kinda wish she'd never told me about bed bugs (I thought they were fictional, lol), because I now doubt I will ever stay in a backpackers hostel.. which means I will waste even more money on travel.

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