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  andewhall said:
Ok we'll make it a dozen and will get some crates of Speights too.

I am an UNCLE!!!!! Yeah, first baby in the family from me little brother and his wife...Im fucking stoked. Hes a little halfy, kiwi x Japanese named Kaito. I will be teaching him the ways of the cloth.

a definite feather in the cap for The Team.

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Yes jane but do you contribute?

I'm begining to feel that the team is being carried by said star.

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Alright...I've been with my girlfriend for a little over 2 years now but for the last 5 months, we've been in different countries. I still am very much excited to see her when i get back, but I couldn't help but notice from the pictures she's been sending me that it looks like she's put on a little. Now I'm worried that 1) I won't find her as attractive as I thought she always was and 2) that i'm shallow because I don't know if I love her anymore because of her appearance. It seems a bit fucked to me. Advice?

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If you love someone you love someone, a little extra weight shouldn't be a problem!

Plus having a lot of sex will make her lose those kilos in no time!

But seriously, I think it's quite normal to have those kind of feelings when you haven't seen her for quite a while. You got used to being on your own again, etc etc. Now she'll be around you again all of a sudden.

I wouldn't worry too much and just be excited that you going to be able to hold her again.

Don't make any hasty decisions!

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ehhh she's gotten a little pudgy, get her a treadmill for chrstmas.

really, pudgy is something that can change, it's not like she went and got a sex change operation or something like that, she just put on a few, when you get back claim to be going on a really strict diet and ask for her support and if she'll do it with ya cause it will make it easier, and rope her into working out with ya.

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  dry the rain said:
yes sf party in nyc!!! suite party, or sidneylo's place (we could watch all the hipsters. like jane goodall among the chimps).

We could play dominos on the street too. Gangsta ass Dominicans all up in my 'hood.

I've got a patio twice the size of my living room. We should do it big--even though by the time I get back in January it'll be shit ass weather.

Spring time? :)

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Can we crouch around a pile of ones in your stairwell and play dice?

Oh yeah the confession part. I'm seriously jealous of all you aussies and new zealanders. Tool is spending the entire month of january into february touring through your countries and I really fuckin want to buy a plane ticket and see 'em again. Haha maybe ande would let me sleep in his workshop for a night or something.

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superconfession: i dont like my post anymore. i feel like theyre not as good as they used to be. it may be because ive got so much on my mind. or because ive been posting so much theyve become dull and uninteresting. shape without form, shade without colour.

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I was at the Levis flagship store in SF last year and saw a really super hot japanese chick. She was looking at some stuff and I was looking at her on my way out and didn't realize the glass in front of me....crashed into the glass door with a huge bang. Oh man that was horrible; sales guy right next to me laughed his ass off while I felt embarassed for the next week hahhaahhaha

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  super said:

I was at the Levis flagship store in SF last year and saw a really super hot japanese chick. She was looking at some stuff and I was looking at her on my way out and didn't realize the glass in front of me....crashed into the glass door with a huge bang. Oh man that was horrible; sales guy right next to me laughed his ass off while I felt embarassed for the next week hahhaahhaha

Haha, classic.

I had a date last week....took this bird to "the Departed". Before the movie began I was pissing around joking, laughing and half choked on a Jaffa....I coughed, spluttered and gasped for about 5 minutes....the 2 people next to us were kind of staring with a look of 'is that guy choking to death?'.....it was all very emabarrasing. Don't laugh and eat jaffas:D

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