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i still havn't gotten my license and it's been bugging the fuck out of me

i lost mine, but dont all you need to know is your license number? you dont actually have to carry it right?

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My great grandma died this morning

my condolances....

taking the bus yesterday thru the heart of the fith ward (jenson and quitman) to get to the hospital, i had this sudden urge for crack, even though i havent smoked it in close to four years....stuck with me for a few minutes and it passed...just reminded myself all of been thru and how shitty i always felt after i smoked.

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I passed out drinking just a glass of wine... but majority of the time i just puke until i bleed drinking

Doubt it. Someone probably spiked your drink. Check your bumhole.

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i was supposed to go to this fucking crazy all night party/jazz festival/halloween art show with my brother who i ahvent seen inmonths

but i couldnt. that night i had this dream that my brother killed himself. not out of depression or anything more like sepuku. he had lived his life to the fullest extent and saw that night to be his time. so he ripped himself apart between two trains. and i was the only one who understood why he did it.

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beer before liquor, you've never been sicker

liquore before beer, you're in the clear

bong hits for breakfast

no hangover

This saying isn't true. Do not listen to this man, he has no drinking credibility.

Drink whatever you want, get sick anyway, fuck it.

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