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I fall over a lot putting my pants on, and while doing everyday things, it seems, even though I quit ballet because I'm a clumsy fuck, that I seem to think I am incredibl poised and have excellent balance.... Yeah, I'm really a clumsy fuck, sprained wrist so many times I have arthritis, the last time did it in I think, was tumbling in a gay pride parade... and titanium screws in my ankle because I'm faster than cars.....

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wow keri you rock. i'm pretty clumsy and i've escaped major injuries...for now.

superconfession: i think i'd get together with another guy if he'd buy me my yearly supply of jeans, my own basement studio with all the equipment i need, and my own (self) decorated room with all the junk i want. i'm a real whore that way...and materialistic too. to top it all off i'm not even gay.

junglejane i just noticed your location is modena, IT - is that modena, italy? like, home to modena football club?

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wow keri you rock. i'm pretty clumsy and i've escaped major injuries...for now.

superconfession: i think i'd get together with another guy if he'd buy me my yearly supply of jeans, my own basement studio with all the equipment i need, and my own (self) decorated room with all the junk i want. i'm a real whore that way...and materialistic too. to top it all off i'm not even gay.

junglejane i just noticed your location is modena, IT - is that modena, italy? like, home to modena football club?

I'd get together with a guy for less than that, and I suppose I'm more or less not gay.

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junglejane i just noticed your location is modena, IT - is that modena, italy? like, home to modena football club?

yes, we have games here all the time, but I'm not a big football fan.. I prefer to think of modena as home to ferrari and maserati...

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yes, we have games here all the time, but I'm not a big football fan.. I prefer to think of modena as home to ferrari and maserati...

thats right, yeah i forgot...do you drive one? i've always wanted to visit italy, and not just the big cities

and watch a football match and come back alive to tell the tale. ;)

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Isn't this what ddml always does to you in threads though?? >>>>


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I'm jealous that I dont have a penis. I wanna stand when I pee.

you can do this... I'm serious: http://www.treehugger.com/files/2005/09/peeing_in_your.php

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I confess that even though I've lost weight and people tell me I look fine like this, I want to keep losing weight. I'm not anorexic or anything but admit it, the best feeling is having your old clothes be all baggy on you and having people you haven't seen in awhile telling you how fantastic you look.

I feel this way too... can't stop won't stop.

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Which one do ya like cheap, I like the little monkey one, whaddaya think?

(texan accent personified in typing)

oh and edited at 9.40 p my time, when for some reason I am so tired I feel dunk, but in a good way, really should start sleeping:

I love you guys. *tear*

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ive actually been with another guy. wasnt too bad, but i dont think ill do it again... sorry chris.

superconfessional: i think it'd be a very interesting experience to get fucked by a straight guy!


a few years back i was single and a queer friend of mine was curious about the same thing.

i let him have it.

and he gave a horrible blowjob.

but the sex was alright.

but i just dont feel any attraction to guys.

its too bad cause id get alot more action.

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