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The moons are not aligning for me and this girl in my class. I fucking wait 4 hrs a day for the teacher to shut up so I can chit chat with her and they never do, I've established the fact that we are gonna sit together in class, etc, etc. I have to fucking drag my phone out of my pocket and point at that shit during class to get her number today because I wasn't going to finish the week without her number, it's already week 2.

I open up my text game, and lo and fucking behold, her older sister is visiting her all weekend from Japan, so obviously shit aint going down soon. I told her I am gonna have a dinner party, etc, and she was like 'oh shit! i'll definitely come next time, blah blah blah' but fuck schedules. I'm just going to go get drunk and see LCD Soundsystem and drown my sorrows in whiskey, and fuck Korean girls with terrible steez.

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fair shit movie though

I dunno. As soon as the credits hit, i still felt pretty sad inside. Normally i don't get like that from movies/books/news stories.

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Yo dreams

I got the fear of the HIV placed into me the other night through first hand anecdote, i'll avoid specifics

So that night I have a dream where I'm with some chick and she's on me and I know she has the HIV but I can't tell her that I know because snitches get stitches. So I'm trying my darn best to disarm tensions, but its not working, so I resort to half assedly using my fingers, and then she hits me jokingly because I'm obviously half assing it, and tensions are then gone, and I run into a bathroom and wash my hands furiously.

...washing the HIV off.

The End.

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i can now relate to that asian dude who beheaded a guy on a greyhound

i was on greyhound yesterday, there was some hipster dude with a big nose and too-crisp white tee, nudies, and boat shoes listening to Nas super loud and bobbing his head and snapping his gum and putting on and taking off his wayfarers repeatedly. when he used his ipod or blackberry, he held them up in front of him, as if to show off his douchebag tech.

i found myself unable to listen to music, staring intently at him while feeling the grooves of my keys in my pocket, imagining them deep in his eye socket

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I broke up with a girl I'd been seeing for years back in May. We still talk pretty frequently and I even helped her move to Philly in August. Its her birthday tonight. She called me sunday to tell me about it and ask if I wanted to come out to do a little bar tour. I said sure. Then she told me her new guy is coming along too.

Now I'm just not sure I'm adult enough to handle the situation.

What kind of nerve do you have to have to ask the guy you dated for four years and only fairly recently broke up with to come out and watch some other dude grope you?

I think I'm gonna freak out, get shitfaced and make a fool of myself. If any Philly ppl are out in Manayunk tonite and see me feel free help the cause.

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I broke up with a girl I'd been seeing for years back in May. We still talk pretty frequently and I even helped her move to Philly in August. Its her birthday tonight. She called me sunday to tell me about it and ask if I wanted to come out to do a little bar tour. I said sure. Then she told me her new guy is coming along too.

Now I'm just not sure I'm adult enough to handle the situation.

What kind of nerve do you have to have to ask the guy you dated for four years and only fairly recently broke up with to come out and watch some other dude grope you?

I think I'm gonna freak out, get shitfaced and make a fool of myself. If any Philly ppl are out in Manayunk tonite and see me feel free help the cause.

Do what I did; I was invited out to my ex' (and her twin's) birthday thing last month. I just set up a date with a hot lifeguard chick from out of town that day instead.

Speaking of my crazy engaged ex, I had some interaction with her Wednesday. There was a job fair in Toronto for a new bar opening up that she told me about, and I had went on Tuesday to see them. Her roomie and her were supposed to go that day as well but the roomie pushed it to Wednesday. Turns out she also said no to that and my ex went downtown by herself Wednesday and got completely lost (she has no sense of direction). She called me in the middle of getting a hair cut on the verge of tears, and while I know all the advice I've been given has been to keep distance, I am the only person she knows who has knowledge of downtown Toronto, so I did the nice thing and stayed on the phone with her until she was on her proper way. I don't think that's unreasonable.

The only problem is now she's been texting me repeatedly since, being overly thankful and well, just being a bit suspicious. Fuck.

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i came up with an ashy cigarette cologne/perfume idea like 10 years ago

not quite the same as the smell of tobacco though i guess :(

thats a great idea

i still remember the smell of one of my college booty calls that would always come over after a night of drinking and smoking smelling like a hooker....

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best strip clubs are in Ontario Canada...Mints and Sundowner's if they are still there

Vegas strip cluba are good as well........

Scores is over rated

Montreal strip clubs are also over rated.......

for the most strippers with C-section scars, check out Cityscape in LIC

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best strip clubs are in Ontario Canada...Mints and Sundowner's if they are still there

Vegas strip cluba are good as well........

Scores is over rated

Montreal strip clubs are also over rated.......

never been in mtl, in quebec city i went to a few and the places were cool.

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i like a c-section scar and a gunshot wound to the left shoulder. appendectomy scars are a bonus. ghallager's 2000 is entertaining as hell.

best strip clubs are in Ontario Canada...Mints and Sundowner's if they are still there

Vegas strip cluba are good as well........

Scores is over rated

Montreal strip clubs are also over rated.......

for the most strippers with C-section scars, check out Cityscape in LIC

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