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I witnessed a death today, but I'm not at all traumatized by it. I don't know why.

you get used to it actually. i can't count how many heart attacks i've seen. I still do remember the first time I saw a dead person though. I was on a train in Vietnam taking the ride from Hanoi down to Saigon and the train suddenly stopped. What had happened was that someone had laid down on the tracks and the train ran them over. I refused to look, but as we finally got to moving again, my cousin gestures to me to look, and basically i witnessed a half of a human being....

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Had something similiar happen to me. Was amusing until it started feeling like my body was about six inches behind me and I fell onto the floor and dislocated my shoulder.

well thats no good.

thats why i confined myself to my bed and made sure there were no large drops around me.

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anyeone remember ploids?

i found a box full of old cheetoh's and doritos bags whilst cleaning out my garage the other day, and all of them had ploids.

i must confess, i had no recollection of ever collecting them when i was younger. i didnt even eat cheetoh's and rarely ate doritos (still really don't today).

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Moving to New York Siddy?!?!?!?!

I hope so. My whole family wants me to come back. It all depends on if the schools like me enough.

I haven't totally solidified where I'm living yet, I just know it won't be here.

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i am so excited! this is not only my last week at my current employment, but my last week working in a shitty 9 to 5 clerical office environment FOREVER!!!! i am off to find more fullfilling and challenging opportunities...

... but i am looking forward to all the ice cream cake and other homemade treats that will be eaten on friday in my honor :D


working in an office made up solely of old spinsters will make you FAT!

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^^ i had psats too

today was a good day. I took the psat which was ehh but then me and some friends went to cheba hut and i got a KGB and one of those brownies and it was really good and then i talked to my ex and were hanging out tomorrow and then i watched we own the night, which was surprisingly good


yangle yein and waistcyde: i should send you guys links to my cousins and her friends myspace, you got paragraphs and paragraphs of that spanish hyerogliphic shit

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^^ i had psats too

today was a good day. I took the psat which was ehh but then me and some friends went to cheba hut and i got a KGB and one of those brownies and it was really good and then i talked to my ex and were hanging out tomorrow and then i watched we own the night, which was surprisingly good


yangle yein and waistcyde: i should send you guys links to my cousins and her friends myspace, you got paragraphs and paragraphs of that spanish hyerogliphic shit

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you get used to it actually. i can't count how many heart attacks i've seen. I still do remember the first time I saw a dead person though. I was on a train in Vietnam taking the ride from Hanoi down to Saigon and the train suddenly stopped. What had happened was that someone had laid down on the tracks and the train ran them over. I refused to look, but as we finally got to moving again, my cousin gestures to me to look, and basically i witnessed a half of a human being....

I saw a man plowed down by a SUV going about 65 or 70 mph in a 35 zone while I was walking down the other side of the street. The guy was half buried inside the windshield. There was blood everywhere, and he was literally knocked right out of his shoes. I feel really guilty about hightailing it out of there, but there were other people there, and I didn't want to be interviewed by the police. I had nightmares about it last night. Freaky.

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I saw a man plowed down by a SUV going about 65 or 70 mph in a 35 zone while I was walking down the other side of the street. The guy was half buried inside the windshield. There was blood everywhere, and he was literally knocked right out of his shoes. I feel really guilty about hightailing it out of there, but there were other people there, and I didn't want to be interviewed by the police. I had nightmares about it last night. Freaky.




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So... I'm sitting in a bar... oh about 30 minutes ago with me and my buddy josh who owns the turkish restaurant next to my apartment. We're in the bar next to the turkish place. We're sitting and having a beer when all of a sudden some cracked out bum wanders in. I live in the ghetto so we normally wouldn't have even noticed except for the fact that he comes up to us and starts mumbling incoherently. All of a sudden he leans into Josh and starts drooling all over him. Drool on his shoulder and on his pants. Its fucking wretched. We flip out and kick the dude out of the bar. Josh follows the bum to go take a shower and bleech his clothes. Two seconds later I hear some noises outside and apparently the bum wandered into the middle of the intersection and got smacked by a car and is lying unconscious in the middle of the street. With cars and people all around. I went inside finished my beer and came back here to tell everyone about it.

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i did shit on psat today

i think im going to buy some 32's and chill with some burgers as a sort of memorial for the death of my 0 hour class.

fuck zero hour.

phil - scores on psat's dont mean shit, so don't worry about that, its better to look at percentile's (like say you scored 86% higher than other students, etc.) that's the stuff that matters. the point values of the psat's do not match up to the SAT's, both in amount, and in overall value. judging on the percentile, it gives you a better idea where your raw score will be and how it will transfer onto a real SAT.

im done with SAT's, thank god. my final scores come back the 25th. think i got at least 670 on my verbal this time, which is sorta where i was aiming. anything higher and ill be very happy.

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