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Well, she smokes more pot than I do, likes sex, and has yet to bitch to me about anything... so..., so far, so good. Oh, I also think she's domestically trained (ie: cooks, cleans, etc.).

Women are just so quick to toss around the "L" word. Men, being the rational thinkers that we are, have to put in some serious thought before even thinking about uttering "I love you." I believe our telephone conversation went something like so:

her -- "I love you."

me -- "You're hilarious."

On a positive note, I don't think she's serious. She's not clingy or anything, yet.

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i cant tell when its gonna rain cause my foot swells up.

my foot swells like that because i have a plate and 5 screws in my ankle from breaking it playing basketball last year.

anyways, i was like "its gonna rain mom, don't take your walk right now" and it totally did 5 minutes later

either that, or i looked outside.

regardless, my anke is fucking swollen.

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jeepster....i am already suffering from sleep deprivation and the paranoia, shivers/sweats, blotchy skin, ringing ears etc etc etc that it entails.

that post confused the fuck out of me, and i wish you didn't make it/i didn't read it.

hope your ankle is ok, anyway.

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  jpgm said:
jeepster....i am already suffering from sleep deprivation and the paranoia, shivers/sweats, blotchy skin, ringing ears etc etc etc that it entails.

that post confused the fuck out of me, and i wish you didn't make it/i didn't read it.

hope your ankle is ok, anyway.

1) go to bed

2) get some cream for that shit

3) take a shower

4) thanks, my ankles fine, i was on it running around with a puppy, so it was just swelling up from the activity. if i ever buy a digital camera, ill post a pic of the sweet scar

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I've just spent around twenty minutes watching different youtube videos of guys who actually support anorexia... shit is fucking disguisting. I mean I like skinny girls, but not to the point where you can see their bones.

Some people are seriously fucked in the head.

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its scary hey tiranis......and way too common. go browsing on myspace, and youll be fucking shocked at how many girls (and guys) are idolising these obviously unhealthily underweight models or whatever.

not cool at all....you gotta feel for them though, that their own personal body image and their ideas of health and beauty are so far removed from what is actually healthy for them.

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Guest jmatsu

i actually like the new pants line from cheap monday. i have to wear a size 31 in cheap monday. that is my latest confession.

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  jpgm said:
.you gotta feel for them though, that their own personal body image and their ideas of health and beauty are so far removed from what is actually healthy for them.

Yeah, totally... I mean I understand the girls, I've read quite a lot about anorexia and all these support sites, etc. But this is first time that I've stumbled upon the videos on youtube and I really don't understand the guys who support this, jerk off ot it, and pretend that it's ok. It's just a seriously fucked up fetish.

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Guest Airjamie

Dude i am so fucking lazy/wasted its not even funny. I just grajiated and ive got 2 months until lawschool so im not moving from this couch except to get drugs.

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hmm airjamie i think it depends on what type of herb you smoke.. (personally i havnt been smoking for too long) but from my understanding.. where i smoke they have two types or grades

beasters and headys

basically 2 different highs..

beasters: a lot heavier and u feel stupid / tired

headys: light (more fun imo) and yes ive smoked headys a number of times only to find myself watching tv or playing on the computer till 6 in the morning.

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