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beasters are not really the same as lows you dabbler

i would put them somewhere between lows and mids

usually sprayed and not worth the price imo

my superconfession is that i dont think ive held on to any amount of money ive earned for more than a month in my entire life

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ohh...so youre jsut one of those scavenger types huh? eff outta here...buy your own.

haha, if i ever buy, its usually like a 1/2 so it lasts a while, and if i get bored with it, i resell to make some cash. enough people around here offer to smoke you up, so i indulge in the kindness of others

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I've been drunk for 5 days straight in a strange city, and my shits are difficult because I've consumed nothing but gas station food and beer.

Oh it was in portland and look at my awesome guide to the city, there is no SHOPPPING information because seriously who goes to another city to fucking shop, come on. http://www.superfuture.com/supertalk/showthread.php?t=29468

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not sure but the last time i smoked it was july '05 and it was supposedly africa black but idk i think it was chronic or something with something in it because i was HI-HI-HI-HIGH and drunk as hell too and it just didnt feel right

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beasters = B.C. = shitty mass produced pot from Canada


and i would say they generally fall between the lows and mids to be had around here in terms of potency

the indica / sativa dichotomy is definitely significant

but there are strains of both types that could be considered heddies or exotics in my experience

white widow and jack herrer for instance are two strains yielded from sativa / indica interbreeding

just because the duality exists does not discount the utility of a lows/mids/heddies system :cool:

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Guest Airjamie
first i drink, then i smoke

like detroit rock city

dun dun....dun dun dun DUN dun

Anyway....lots of confessions today. First off, I am really sick of how rude jackass Noobs are to chris. Do you really think saying something like "i know youre a faggot who likes dicks in your ass and stretches his pics and likes cock and stuff but thats an awesome fit bro!!!!!" disguises your latant homophobia? Shut the fuck up. Sidneylo is just as fruity (no offence if that offends you) but noone gives him shit. Just drop the gay bashing. If you hate someone, voice it in an original and funny way. that is all

In other news, you guys ever puke in your toilet and like,it leaves a ring of gross in it? Yeah my crapper has that same shit but instead of cleaning it i just try and like, aim my piss at it like a pressure washer. Fun as hell, try it sometime.

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Guest Airjamie
stylist, whatever

my hair is really curly, so it stays out of my eyes, but if I pull it straight it goes down past my mouth :o


We dont take kindly to your types round here boy.


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well going back to the low/mids/high discussion - i only refer to it in that way because i'm not as knowledgable on the subject as my potfiend friends. they spend hours and hours researching stuff/growing/caring about all of it. high is high is high, so i prefer to skoke whatever they tell me is good, or supply as good.

though i smoked dusted shit during one of my first times... oh my, never again. please thank you.

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i was chillin in lower haight in the city with my lady on saturday, and on our way to Upper Playground we had to stop at a stop sign for like 2 minutes because a train of about 30 nude bicyclists were crossing the road. like 35-50 year old adults pedaling on their bicycles in full nude. quite the unpleasant sight, and unfortunately very hard to erase from my visual memory. how the fuck do these people even find each other and arrange that shit?

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i was chillin in lower haight in the city with my lady on saturday, and on our way to Upper Playground we had to stop at a stop sign for like 2 minutes because a train of about 30 nude bicyclists were crossing the road. like 35-50 year old adults pedaling on their bicycles in full nude. quite the unpleasant sight, and unfortunately very hard to erase from my visual memory. how the fuck do these people even find each other and arrange that shit?


and carrot top has a house on the same lake as my ex girlfriend so does Doc rivers

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In other news, you guys ever puke in your toilet and like,it leaves a ring of gross in it? Yeah my crapper has that same shit but instead of cleaning it i just try and like, aim my piss at it like a pressure washer. Fun as hell, try it sometime.

I don't normally make it home or the toilet when I need to puke, but I know what you mean. Sometimes, when you get those wet, dirty stools, they leave a brown murder scene in your toilet. I leave that shit there until I need to piss, and aim my piss like a fire hose and usually get most of it off.

I forget the phrase I used to use for those shit stains. This is going to bother me.

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Guest Airjamie

Today my friend and i were rolling and i noticed he had that one crazy town song on his ipod...we ended up listening to it like five times.

BTW...you guys remember when people actually looked like this?


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the chick i've been crushing on purposefully ignored me for four days then texted me saying she was depressed

i asked her why she was ignoring me and all she could say was "i don't know, i'm a mess"

i kind of want to hang out with her and shit still even though she blew me off on purpose. even though there are other girls that i've been with recently that don't do that to me and want to hang out with me, i dig this girl more.

should i? i guess i have nothing to lose but i'm getting kind of attached. we've only been dating/fucking 3 weeks but whenever we hang out we end up having a good time and she usually begs me to stay the night at her place

i'm 19 she's 20 fwiw

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