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alright I may risk being superbanned for this but here it goes:

Netflix'ed Marie Antoinette b/c my gf wanted to watch it again (she saw it in the movies w/o me a while ago). And strangely I liked it. ok so what's my punishment?

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ive noticed that ive been getting a bit hypebeasty. i actually bought 3 the hundreds shirts recently, and have been looking at some supreme and bape shit. then again its probably just a phase, ill probably go back to my traditional look of solid color shirts and matching shoes soon.

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  Ahlvahroe said:
ive noticed that ive been getting a bit hypebeasty. i actually bought 3 the hundreds shirts recently, and have been looking at some supreme and bape shit. then again its probably just a phase, ill probably go back to my traditional look of solid color shirts and matching shoes soon.

no shame in that really... I see no harm in mixing bits of streetwear into my conservative outfits. to tell you the truth, I've even started poking through used bape clothes online for some of their older, unbranded pieces

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Guest youngteam

i tried to assign a five-star rating more than once to a provocative and spellbinding thread about wife beaters of note but superfuture wouldn't let me. fucking lesbians.

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  Kasper said:
i just turned 26 and found out today that apparently, you can't put boiling water in glass containers cause they'll crack and break. i feel really stupid

i had 1 bottle of beer left for the day and wanted to really enjoy it.

so stuck it in the freezer.

later that day, i can hear my girlfriend screaming from the kitchen.

go in and find the bottle has exploded, and the beer has frozen into a massive popsicle as a weird 3d structure, all over my frozen foods.

moral of the story: we never too old to be stoopid

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  superdupersang said:
i had 1 bottle of beer left for the day and wanted to really enjoy it.

so stuck it in the freezer.

later that day, i can hear my girlfriend screaming from the kitchen.

go in and find the bottle has exploded, and the beer has frozen into a massive popsicle as a weird 3d structure, all over my frozen foods.

moral of the story: we never too old to be stoopid

You DID enjoy the scrumptious Beer Popsicle though, right?

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OK, superconfession, id really like to hear your thoughts on this guys.

My girlfriend mentioned today that im pretty much without friends and a recluse. I dont go into uni much and deliberately miss meetings because I feel abit awkward making conversation with people im not mad about and wont see anymore when I finish next summer. I have good friends back home and a band on the sidelines ( again, backhome ), but all I really have during term time is fitness and reading and art and superfuture etc etc. I used to drink and or smoke alot and or take drugs but now I do none, I spent a good 2 or three terms sitting around in pubs ( I even went out with them on their benders and stayed sober which I found really boring when Im they only one who can talk by the end of the evening! ) or with stoners ( my old friends ) trying to socialise but they didnt meet me half way, teased me about quitting my habits and slowly sarcastic comments turned into snyde remarks. They wouldnt take an interest in any of my interests and were very reluctant to do anything other than smoke or drink with me ( I suggested shopping, gallery going, squash, gym, bike riding blah blah blah..) one thing I allways enjoyed with them was playing computer games but even then they grew tired of it and would rather talk and smoke than talk, smoke and play. Have me and my friends just grown apart or am I being a stubborn git who should lighten up again?

I havent made any more friends really mainly because I dont like going out in the evening to bars or clubs, I dont like the atmosphere and do find it hard and rather trying watching people get more and more stupid as they drink. I guess its unlikely ill meet a similar personaity to myself because he/she wouldnt be out in social situtations.

I dont really care for what alot of people have to say, I find it boring infact, not to sound like a twat but I can almost guess the next sentence ( if they are my age ) about whatever band or film or exhibition and its tiring just waiting for cliches to come out so I can nod and agree.... maybe im too cynical. Obviously I find tutors and literature and such fascinating, just not my immediate peers. I have no one to talk to about clothes ( except gf who probably is tired of hearing about indigos etc ), and my peers really dont care about fashion ( and are proud of this ).

Am I just in an unfortunate transitional period? Or should I just lighten up and get pissed on a friday and chill out?


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  sybaritical said:

Edit: woha. Cream stout ice cream? ... Blurghhhhh ...

You'd be surprised monkey-man.

The "stout" ice cream in the mixture is an excellent contrast. Basically, it is like a mild, less-sweetened vanilla with an ever-so-slight savory twang. I was pleasantly surprised. It's pretty damn tasty.

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Guest jmatsu
  viv1984viv said:
OK, Have me and my friends just grown apart or am I being a stubborn git who should lighten up again?

Am I just in an unfortunate transitional period? Or should I just lighten up and get pissed on a friday and chill out?


cie la vie. do what you want and fuck the rest. you should break all ties with old unsubstantial relationships. clinging to friendships based on nolstalgia is absurd.

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  englandmj7 said:
Oh, ho ho ho.

They are quick!


Actually, this stuff is really good.

my friend marcos told me that new castle makes a beer ice cream has anyone ever tried this? it sounds interesting but not much else.

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  Ahlvahroe said:
my friend marcos told me that new castle makes a beer ice cream has anyone ever tried this? it sounds interesting but not much else.
  tg76 said:
beer icecream is hella good i recomend everyone go find some or make some

Snugglepony recommended this place's "Beer milkshakes" to me:


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  sybaritical said:
'Kay you're on. Pony up your home made beer ice cream and I'll shout you some

of my chocolate and chilli.

pudding party mini super meet in london .... may 4th?

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