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^ Nah, we were in a timeshare that had a lockoff unit, so the first thing we did was claim the bigger half of the joint and sealed that shit off. Stole their towels, coffee, and the only 24 pack in the room first.

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wow fuck this. my parents did some asian birthday party for me and it blows dick. Aunt who we gave $100 to each of their kids for just being faggots didn't give me shit. 5 annoying ass kids spilling soda and shit all over my room. Im going to kill the fat one and feed him to his brothers. Please share lame parent birthday parties.

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A single tear almost came to my eye before i man'd up after a random du gave me money at church.

I was looking fresh to (0). I had my shades on tho cause my eyes still were pretty red from ungodly activities the night before. A tall white man walked up to me and shook my hand i embraced him like a "brother" he said "god thought he should give me this" and handed me some money like through a handshake, you know the hood way. I was pretty shocked i thought it was only a twenty but i couldn't put it into my pocket cause it would have been to much of a hassle skinny jeans concept. I was also self-conscious at what other people just saw go down, drug deal in the church courtyard lol? I walked back to the car looked at it and it was 5 20's. I was so happy that a tear almost slipped by. Its not the first time people gave me things though but the timing was crazy. I was just amazed how i was at the right place at the right time again.

Jawn copping time(5)

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Dang now you got me all skeptical. Where to exchange!

Calv- That seems like a pretty wierd situation to be in? I find it hard to believe she doesn't want to see anybody else but if its true, she might have some kind of conflict preventing her from wanting to be your "boyfriend" maybe pressure from friends/fam? But she still wants all the benefits of being with you it seems.

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  ojjairus said:
A single tear almost came to my eye before i man'd up after a random du gave me money at church.

I was looking fresh to (0). I had my shades on tho cause my eyes still were pretty red from ungodly activities the night before. A tall white man walked up to me and shook my hand i embraced him like a "brother" he said "god thought he should give me this" and handed me some money like through a handshake, you know the hood way. I was pretty shocked i thought it was only a twenty but i couldn't put it into my pocket cause it would have been to much of a hassle skinny jeans concept. I was also self-conscious at what other people just saw go down, drug deal in the church courtyard lol? I walked back to the car looked at it and it was 5 20's. I was so happy that a tear almost slipped by. Its not the first time people gave me things though but the timing was crazy. I was just amazed how i was at the right place at the right time again.

Jawn copping time(5)

I'm going to give you the other side of this, as someone with a mom who attends a very intense non-denominational church. Every once in a while, these people (who are on direct lines with God) interpret their random hunches (most often based on stereotypes) as directions from God, and if one of those hunches happens to be: "this person looks 'in need'" the result will be cold hard cash in your hand, and depending on how intense this servant of god is it could range from $10 to several hundred. I've seen my mom give away greater sums.

I'd like to see his face if he saw the jawnz you're going to cop. He probably thought you secretly were behind on rent or couldn't feed yourself or some shit.

God I hate that.

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yo im seriously not gunna cop jawnz. Im going to give most of it back to the church as well. Idk why dude would think im in desperate need, i mean im not struggling or anything but i've been using my savings all summer cause its ridic trying to find a summer job.

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going through one of those apathetic funks. its my birthday in 3 days and all thats doing is stressing me out. i wish i could just cancel it and treat it like another day. also pay day next week ill have enough money to kop a new jawn but at this point i dont even care anymore. not really looking forward to anything right now. stuff that was getting me really excited last week i cant even waste a thought on right now.

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if the moneys fake take it to a burrito truck or a market thats outside, if u feel wrong about that rip it up.

also my hood ass friends are comin to the burb shits gonna be awkward see them out their habitat i kno it took me 2 yearss to adjust

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my boss used to pay me cash and he once passed me a few c notes that he later said he got from a patient because when I tried to use it to pay for my meal the waitress came back and asked for another method of payment.

that's probably one of the most awkward moments of my life so far.

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  khoiphan92 said:
wow fuck this. my parents did some asian birthday party for me and it blows dick. Aunt who we gave $100 to each of their kids for just being faggots didn't give me shit. 5 annoying ass kids spilling soda and shit all over my room. Im going to kill the fat one and feed him to his brothers. Please share lame parent birthday parties.

actually didnt turn out so bad... going to sleep happy

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basically showed this chick i had a thing for a terrible time

-she fucked bused to my house in the heat

-my house was a fucking mess

-i got too baked

-it was so fucking hot i got soaked in sweat

all in all i'm sure i'm never hanging out with that chick again

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i'm visiting my mom today for the first time in 2 weeks, everytime i've called her she sounded out of it. i feel like she's doing drugs again, i mean she wished me happy birthday 3 days in a row. you fucking better not be, for your sake, because if you are you'll lose your son.

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  khoiphan92 said:
wow fuck this. my parents did some asian birthday party for me and it blows dick. Aunt who we gave $100 to each of their kids for just being faggots didn't give me shit. 5 annoying ass kids spilling soda and shit all over my room. Im going to kill the fat one and feed him to his brothers. Please share lame parent birthday parties.

my 16th birthday, my mother and sister left me alone the entire day to go to a concert, i sat in my room alone, all day, they came home and went to bed.

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Guest bambam
  scott.M said:
my 16th birthday, my mother and sister left me alone the entire day to go to a concert, i sat in my room alone, all day, they came home and went to bed.

yeah, well my 16th birthday me and my friends went skating all day and they bought me food from dairy queen!!

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ive never really done the whole "huge birthday party" thing, usually i'd just meet some friends and hang out. if my birthday was on a school day i wouldnt even do it on that particular day.

when people in england were expecting me to plan some huge party i was all like :confused::o

(i ended up just going for drinks with some friends and then going out like i would on any other day)

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^ should have stayed home alone and sulked, man. you would have remembered it then.

confession: i got up for a drink of water in my sleep at 4am and ate like 5 oreos along with it before passing back out. D: terrible.

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don't feel bad. I've eaten worse.

I swear birthdays are just for other people sometimes, rather then yourself. this year I really didn't want anything and whenever my parents asked I said it's okay. no gifts necessary. they still got me a card which was nice. a snoopy figurine even though I don't like snoopy (my older sister does and she picked out the gift I'm guessing since she picked the card) and my dad handed me a red envelope.

I gave the red envelope back of course and the snoopy. but I kept the card.

I feel kind of guilty

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