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fffuuu half of my ceramic pieces that were in the kiln cracked or broke due to somebody's piece exploding in the kiln. Some skank also took one of my plates and tried to play it off as her own, glazing it and everything. So now I have half of a whole art project to turn in. This quarter is the fucking worst fucking motherfuck quarter of college so far. fuck.

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fffuuu half of my ceramic pieces that were in the kiln cracked or broke due to somebody's piece exploding in the kiln. Some skank also took one of my plates and tried to play it off as her own, glazing it and everything. So now I have half of a whole art project to turn in. This quarter is the fucking worst fucking motherfuck quarter of college so far. fuck.


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anyone ever had that whole situation at school or wherever where there's this one chick, who is just so gorgeous, down to earth, and cool that you are embarrassed every time the opportunity comes up to chat with them? and then you find out they already have a boyfriend? but regardless of this, every time you pass in the hallway eyes are exchanged?

dang, this one girl at school. Probably the best looking girl in my year.

feelin like a shit-outta-luck high schooler. so 14 year old status on this one.

I only say this cause she showed up in one of my dreams last night. The rest of that dream was about the Smiths reuniting and playing a kickass show.

This is everyday at work for me. I sit literally 8 inches away from one of the cutest girls I've seen, possibly in years, and she is super friendly. I'm just so busy I don't get to chit chat with her, and I have a really good thing with my girlfriend right now too, so the moons are not aligning. She's only like 24 or something so I figure she's not married, but sure to have a boyfriend anyway, looking the way she does.

This girl went to art school and her outfits are always new, always well matched color palette wise, but she is into the typical Asian girl shit, so I'm trying to dwell on that and get over her. We'll see how that goes.

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anyone ever had that whole situation at school or wherever where there's this one chick, who is just so gorgeous, down to earth, and cool that you are embarrassed every time the opportunity comes up to chat with them? and then you find out they already have a boyfriend? but regardless of this, every time you pass in the hallway eyes are exchanged?

dang, this one girl at school. Probably the best looking girl in my year.

feelin like a shit-outta-luck high schooler. so 14 year old status on this one.

I only say this cause she showed up in one of my dreams last night. The rest of that dream was about the Smiths reuniting and playing a kickass show.

yeah. i usually have decent game but theres one girl in my hall who is just stupidly good looking (fierce white model, not cwg) with the most amazing bone structure and incredible eyebrows and actually well dressed and so on

ive never had a real conversation with her because i turn into a bitch when shes anywhere near me

i found out she does actually model

and her boyfriend is some generic corny white du

fuck my life

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This is everyday at work for me. I sit literally 8 inches away from one of the cutest girls I've seen, possibly in years, and she is super friendly. I'm just so busy I don't get to chit chat with her, and I have a really good thing with my girlfriend right now too, so the moons are not aligning. She's only like 24 or something so I figure she's not married, but sure to have a boyfriend anyway, looking the way she does.

This girl went to art school and her outfits are always new, always well matched color palette wise, but she is into the typical Asian girl shit, so I'm trying to dwell on that and get over her. We'll see how that goes.

I feel you man. I mean, the way you talk about her, she seems to sorta ruin you at work. Whenever I go to eat at the dining hall, this girl happens to be there. I sit alone most times by a window, read the paper, do work, etc., but whenever I'll look up, she'll always look over to me and return the glance with this cool-sexy as fuck half smile. Like the kind where you can see their nose sorta bunch up in that oh-so-cute way with the freckles and all.

Holy shit I'm gettin all hot and bothered just thinkin of her.

Anyways, I know shit will never happen, because she's transferring too, somewhere down south or some shit, and she's got a boyfriend who is one of those square-jawed naturalistic awesome altbros who you hate cause he's got the girl, but is just so goddamn cool that you can't really hate him (Forgetting Sarah Marshall style). His name is Denver - which is so fucking douchey - but shit, he's a nice dude.

And knowing me, if I was with her, I'd be a bastard and ruin things for myself as it is. I suck, for all intensive purposes, but damn... what if's, ya know?

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saw pendelum last night at club nokia.. was rolling for most of the night and now i feel like shit and i think im gonna detox and hibernate for a week. i seriously need a break

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i hatehatehate it when I find some sort of hidden gem on an otherwise terrible website and THEY DONT SHIP TO CANADA. WTF. they will send it all the way to goddamn alaska but not to poor ol' ontario. :( :( :( :(

somebody let me ship this to your house???? pref. someone in ann arbor lol :(

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Yo I had the coolest fucking dream in ever last night.

Zombie Apocalypse, I had some cool clothes on, and I had to remorselessly kill my best friend, and everyone hated me, but I was like fuck ya'll, went native on them, then I did some evil ass shit, but then I got back to my senses and saved some people,

but I was still kinda psycho.

I killed my best friend with acid. He was still human.


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