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I had always thought there'd be something more... graduating and working aint all that great. when they said live up your college years i didnt believe them. i believed in good grades and studying hard. lacking in partying hard and now i have a job and im making money and its good. but is that it ? i worked so hard to be confined to a cube in front of computer looking at numbers all day and monitoring shit. wtffff i wish for drunk hookups, cigarettes by the cartons, exploration of drugs, one night stands, heart break and love.

i had always hoped to work with my hands more and wear denims and getting the fuck out of this small world i live in ..im so confined within my fears and comfort .

maybe im just depressed from lack of exercise, motivation and satisfaction in the work place. I'm waiting yet not waiting for a sign of something new.

this post is absolutely terrifying.

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goddamn I need to stop thinking of things after I post...

but I was at a concert the other night, and I basically came to the conclusion that people in bands pretty much accept they will never have a normal life. No permanent residence, not a lot of income...but they get to pretty much do what they love for a living. I really want to find that in life.

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i know its only the first couple of days but i dont think im gonna last teh whole year here in seoul. i cannot fucking stand these kids, they are very nice to the korean teachers but once i get up there i get ignored and talked over. ive noticed that unless i lose it and yell at them, they do not listen, and constantly screaming at these kids is not good for me or them. the semester is 3 months if i still feel this way im breaking the contract

i have a friend who been teaching in korea for the past 6 months, she happens to love it

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Guest umhaha84

do what your avatar's doing

that's how things went when I went to middle school in korea,

they'll beat the shit out of you

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What you going to study there if/when you get in?

Communications/double major @ Parsons in Graphic Design (hopefully)

i know its only the first couple of days but i dont think im gonna last teh whole year here in seoul. i cannot fucking stand these kids, they are very nice to the korean teachers but once i get up there i get ignored and talked over. ive noticed that unless i lose it and yell at them, they do not listen, and constantly screaming at these kids is not good for me or them. the semester is 3 months if i still feel this way im breaking the contract

Yo, stick it out. What you have to do is entice the kids by showing them you respect them but also command their respect. If you have to get angry, then do it, cause they're just gonna walk all over you otherwise. Show them that you are in control and that you are to be respected as a teacher as well as a foreigner.

capa: didn't see that deal. could've used it.

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I just watched Seven Pounds thanks to Axxo the movie pirating god! Shit is an emotional roller coaster. Yes, I droped A tear but who the fuck wouldn't... plus I love Rosario Dawson and it saddens me when she is sad.

geez I fucking hated that movie.

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forgot to confess..

that I love going to my shrink!

I am going tomorrow for the first time since last monday.

(I usually go mondays + wednesdays) :-D

hey jeep, it aint the willenium.. :-(

I wish I could still take Independence Day seriously.

damn you will!!!

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you want to do advertising or what?

Looking to sort of build off the idea of being an impresario in the modern era. Want my fingers in everything (professionally). Gonna have to start out small though.

It's still being constructed in mah brainz.

and nic, it is the Willenium. Please search for my thread dedicated to it.

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Looking to sort of build off the idea of being an impresario in the modern era. Want my fingers in everything (professionally). Gonna have to start out small though.

It's still being constructed in mah brainz.

and nic, it is the Willenium. Please search for my thread dedicated to it.

that's what I do jeep. although limited to online.

ideally in 5-10 years I will work for my self in a more expanded context though.

be prepared to feel not special.

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I hate school and my friends right now. Unfortunately, I am sure it isn't me because nobody is mad at me, but I feel severely out of place with where I am in life and feel like I should do something more useful and look for new friends...Most of my true friends are turning into deadbeat pieces of shit and school probably couldn't be worse right now. It doesn't help that my dad works in the banking industry, and we all know how well that is doing. So much for a bright future...

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i feel like marijuana is a better investment at this point in my life

but, in the future...

this is true

my brother sometimes gives me weed because he knows i cant afford it

(or anything else) and i gotta go to therapy

or ill end up in a white room (again)

:( :( :(:(:(:(

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Looking to sort of build off the idea of being an impresario in the modern era. Want my fingers in everything (professionally). Gonna have to start out small though.

It's still being constructed in mah brainz.

and nic, it is the Willenium. Please search for my thread dedicated to it.

I feel you on this completely. The professional creative hustler type thing.

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I feel you on this completely. The professional creative hustler type thing.

adding hustler into a job title doesnt make it cooler. There is nothing wrong with just being a (communications / interactive / creative) producer

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well I've been seeing the same doctor since I was 3 so there's that..

I just talk to my shrink about stupid bullshit, important things, I ask her questions and she answers them if she can.. and she lets me smoke bogeys and I dunno.. it's like a chill session that I gotta pay for.

wouldn't have it any other way though, I'm getting more and more excited as tomorrow comes closer.

also, I've been seeing the same doctor for almost 16 years so I'm really comfortable with her and she knows how to read me. she also always makes me food which is niiiice. luck was definitely on my side when my parents set me up with this lady.

wow, apology for the length..

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lets save some replies and ill just tell you (& everyone else)

bipolar type 2 (bipolar manic)

depression (manic)

chronic insomnia

g.a.d. (generalized anxiety disorder)

a.d.d. (attention deficit disorder)

o.c.d. (obsessive compulsive disorder)

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