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I was riding my bike home from school today, on the edge of campus on the sidewalk (no bike lane on the street at that section) and there were 3 black guys taking up the whole sidewalk, so I slowed down behind them. They noticed me and spread out so I could pass them and one of them fucking kicked my rear wheel, making it fall off the sidewalk into the street. His friends thought it was fucked up but he claimed, "I always do that to white people" and his friends apologized for him being so stupid. At least my bike is fine.

I think this experience will help you grow as a man and as an artist.

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Fuch you man the hard work and exploitation of the black man paid for your motherfucking Schwinn you fucking sugarcane baron. Kodiak when the shit hits the fan guess whose fucking back is going to up against the wall and whose limp little cracker nuts are going to be in the vice?! YOURS MOTHERFUCKER. And then we're going to turn this whole fucking country into a big midnight-skinned fuckfest.


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niggah niggah niggah booshit booshit booshit niggah niggah booshit booshit niggah niggah niggah booshit booshit booshit niggah niggah booshit booshit niggah niggah niggah booshit booshit booshit niggah niggah booshit booshit niggah niggah niggah booshit booshit booshit niggah niggah booshit booshit niggah niggah niggah booshit booshit booshit niggah niggah booshit booshit niggah niggah niggah booshit booshit booshit niggah niggah booshit booshit niggah niggah niggah booshit booshit booshit niggah niggah booshit booshit

looks to meee like you're channeling Deepak Choprah instead

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yo when i was in new york

so many places only carried nesquik


i found a gas station next to my school that has mad yoohoo

but that was the last yoo hoo cop

goin on extreme mrip diet

no junk food

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I was just randomly looking around on facebook and happened upon my (female) friend's little sister's pics. She's only two years younger but they're from a weekend on a beach and she's single and I am getting smashing urge. She used to always be pretty flirty but I always was with a girl.

Oh, and I cooked a pound and a half of ground beef today to make tacos, figured I could even have some saved for tomorrow. Ended up eating the whole damn thing. Crushing up some tortilla chips and just throwing it all in a bowl might be ghetto, but it's so much easier.

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Hey mass have you heard that song with the line, 'my ambition is to have ambition'. I always thought it was a funny line. If people ask what you do, just pull that out.

i have no aspirations

which is why i underachieve

i don't care

but it's becoming a problem, i think

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I'm actually doing something for once. After a year of enjoying doing nothing yet also feeling-sorta-guilty about it all... I'm ready to work ridiculously hard while wishing I was doing nothing at all :/

Also... coast guard uniforms are uuuuugleeeeeee!

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i think you should start displaying yr intentions more overtly...take her out on dates, call her up, y'know...charm her! Girls aren't usually that daft and she'll know you're interested, instantly removing your fag tag.

It may already be too late if she's already placed u in the 'friend zone' though...

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landho said that there is a way around being friendzoned.

i forgot the word but it has to do with "accidentally" grabbing her tits like when you "accidentally" trip and fall.

was it frotilism or something?

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At least you are probably the best dressed white guy in your program.

The white guys here in Taiwan are bottom of the barrel rejects. It's pretty amazing. All but 3 white guys studying here are shorter than me (5'10'').


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native hkers and koreans who don't know any better, no doubt.

ask dismal and winq about this.





I want to negrep someone some badly right now, but I won't.

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landho said that there is a way around being friendzoned.

i forgot the word but it has to do with "accidentally" grabbing her tits like when you "accidentally" trip and fall.

was it frotilism or something?

frottage might be the word youre looking for.

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