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jeep that shit should be easy. Did you take AP European History in High School?

see, it would be easier had I read Hard Times. I know the general gist of the book, but its more finding examples from the text to back up my argument and analysis that seems to be the problem.

There are 10 chapters that are pertinent that I read, but I didn't take any notes on it.

I did not take AP Euro. Took AP US Gov.

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see, it would be easier had I read Hard Times. I know the general gist of the book, but its more finding examples from the text to back up my argument and analysis that seems to be the problem.

There are 10 chapters that are pertinent that I read, but I didn't take any notes on it.

I did not take AP Euro. Took AP US Gov.


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Yeah, I would've, but my school is different in terms of that stuff. My learning community, which is a collection of two classes, a reflective tutorial, and an experiential learning part (essentially an internship). My learning community focuses on History and Education, i.e. my two classes are a Western Civ class and an Education class, my reflective tutorial is a synthesis of the two which is essentially a cultural history class and my experiential learning component revolves around teaching art (which is part of the history course) to 3rd graders at the local ghetto public school.

but yeah, AP Euro might've helped.

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i'm really perfectionist, but i think it's too much sometimes. like, if i'm not the best in something, i feel like i'm a total loser. and i don't care about competition or anything, i don't want to be better than someone, just the best in something. i'd like to just be satisfied in being good, but it's not enough. i'd like to see/ think or feel things differently but i don't know how.

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sometimes I eat ice cream for breakfast

yesterday was one of those days

I also crammed in sui mais, bowl of kix and a piece of chocolate cake

which is bad cos I just paid my dentist 1200 for a root canal that insurance won't cover since I'm on a break from school


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i fear that i will live a most meaningless life ever to have lived which would then in turn question my existence and bring about the question of life ? if we were all put here for a reason why hasnt humanity discovered it yet after all these centuries.

you wont know till you turn that corner and see the other side of the hill. if at all the world could be flat and that would be it ? darkness and non-existence.

(wtf is wrong with me all because i dont want to study for jap 101)

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sometimes I eat ice cream for breakfast

yesterday was one of those days

I also crammed in sui mais, bowl of kix and a piece of chocolate cake

which is bad cos I just paid my dentist 1200 for a root canal that insurance won't cover since I'm on a break from school


i owe my dentist $5000 for root canals, cavities, etc. it sucks but im right there with ya.

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Haha....unless it's been fitted out by Rodney Dangerfield like in the '80s classic, "Back to School"..........jjaaaacuuuzzzziiii....hot babezz in high waisted swimsuits.

Not to mention he made all his jack dash from a Big 'n' Tall chain store. Supershopper approved?

not that I've ever lived in a dorm before because it's some peasant shit.
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i'm really perfectionist, but i think it's too much sometimes. like, if i'm not the best in something, i feel like i'm a total loser. and i don't care about competition or anything, i don't want to be better than someone, just the best in something. i'd like to just be satisfied in being good, but it's not enough. i'd like to see/ think or feel things differently but i don't know how.

I'm the exact same way. If I can't do something well, I usually just don't do it to avoid the feeling of personal failure. Sometimes I can humble myself and get around it, but then I just feel like a loser for having to do that.

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I thought I had half the homework I thought I did so I ended up having to half-ass all of it so now I get to go hang my shitty designs in front of the entire class for three hours. Fuck. Have to do ten times better on the rest of my work this week so I don't feel like a total failure so now I have even more work.

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Weddings are never the same again after you've had your own.

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