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I guess i'm a big pussy. Can't do straight jack. I have some makers i can't do straight on the rocks either. I need to turn in my man card. Last night, i made myself 2 white russians before the bar. At that bar after a few old milwaukees i was getting sleepy so i had a vodka red bull. Never ordered one at the bar before and i didn't really like it much. I wish i could've just had white russians all night

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I hate the taste of alcohol and I just think bitterness counters it the best.

And I take Jack by the shot because, yes I'm used to it, and I just know how to drop shots down the hatch really well, without it every touching my tounge.

I hate Jose Cuervo or cheap tequilas for this very reason... or say Jaeger. I'll drop it down, and it'll coat my throat. Everytime I cough or speak or something from then on, I'll cry.

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See, that's my problem. I'm awful with shots. I can't just open the gullet. Even when i drink water or soda i kinda hold it in my mouth or swish it slightly. I don't know how to just down it, so shots kill me.

julzkind- see the beer snob thread in superlists. you can find some beers you'd like

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See, that's my problem. I'm awful with shots. I can't just open the gullet. Even when i drink water or soda i kinda hold it in my mouth or swish it slightly. I don't know how to just down it, so shots kill me.

julzkind- see the beer snob thread in superlists. you can find some beers you'd like

chrono, this might help. when you down the shot, you breathe inward through your nose and try to get the alcohol down without swallowing. just kinda throw it in there and let it trickle down. THEN you swallow and exhale through your nose.

if you try to drink it like water it'll hella burn your throat :(

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chrono, this might help. when you down the shot, you breathe inward through your nose and try to get the alcohol down without swallowing. just kinda throw it in there and let it trickle down. THEN you swallow and exhale through your nose.

if you try to drink it like water it'll hella burn your throat :(

i actually didn't know this, thanks for the tip :)
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I'll try this tonight perhaps, or at least before my class on wednesday when i think some classmates and i are gonna come into the class wrecked. I still think this is a plan to choke me to death

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confession- I pee in sinks sometimes at parties. Especially when it's kinda quiet and the bathroom is right next to the living room and i can hear every word people are saying. Just turn on the sink and let er' rip. I like privacy when i pee. Fuck bathrooms without loud fans.

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So, I discovered last night, it's really not a good idea to get really trashed, then come back home and eat ramen and easy mac.

It was the most nasty puke of my life.

Also, forgetting your key in your room and not realizing it until you are sufficiently drunk is not a good thing.

At the very least, I met some kids from sufu outside the dorm while I was lying on the benches waiting for my roommate.

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Nah, man. Doesn't work. I only do it at parties where i really dislike the person throwing it. Getting dragged to lame ass parties suck.

A friend of mine masturbated in a girl's handsoap container at a party because the bitch fucked him over awhile back. He said he was gonna do it in the facial moisturizer or conditioner bottle but wasn't thinking straight.

larry- I feel you, man. Normally when i drink a bunch, i feel sick and shit, sure. But i never really puke unless i eat a bunch of gross ass drunk food. That's why i always have a box of bagelbites in my freezer for when i come home from the bars so i avoid steak and shake (which is hard because it and Guthries is right next to my complex)

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I know it doesn't make a noise, but it's the mental thing, man. Whatever. I'm a nervous peer. I've accepted this

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larry- I feel you, man. Normally when i drink a bunch, i feel sick and shit, sure. But i never really puke unless i eat a bunch of gross ass drunk food. That's why i always have a box of bagelbites in my freezer for when i come home from the bars so i avoid steak and shake (which is hard because it and Guthries is right next to my complex)

gotdamn do you live a block away from me?

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