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I kinda wish this bitch had a near death experience or something like that. I never really do wish somebody a near death experience.

Furthermore, how you gonna question why everybody deads you when its probably you the source of why everybody deads you. Cause your fucking whack.

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i always hold off my break at work until the latest possible time.. preferrably 2 hours or so before im off work so the final hour goes that much quicker

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I've been talking to this chick for about 3 months as well. She says she likes me and wants to take things slow. but I think i might be getting played. I have not done shit with this girl yet. Mostly because she isnt giving off a welcoming vibe. At the same time she'll act disappointed if I havn't hung out with her in a while or am not talking to her or what not. Fuck, and convo doesnt even flow that easy with her. fucking bitch needs to stop playing.

You are the most owned man in existence. You know the skin on fish after you grill it awhile, and it curls up all crispy and dead-looking? That is you, after being owned by this girl as platonic conversation partner for 3 months.

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fuck work. It's like fucking high school.


whitney, you dun go on AIM no more... makes me sad :(

everything is like high school. cliks drama etc...........hah i think i was just talking to westside about this on AIM the other dayy

i go on but i'm always awy even though half the time i'm there. :o

I kinda wish this bitch had a near death experience or something like that. I never really do wish somebody a near death experience.

i think everyone should have a near death experience. its a blessing in disguise..i dunnoz for me it kinda pulled me out of a sheltered bubble world. in some ways i'm still spoiled but it definitely changes one's perspective. there was a period were right after i could only see a dark hole--everything was black and fuck was i depressed but then you move on. its natural for people to push aside serious depressing (death) shit and focus on the materialistic fun stuff but you have to be careful not to get too wound up in shit like that that ultimately doesn't matter..........but if you get too bleak and shit--well no one likes that.

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I've been talking to this chick for about 3 months as well. She says she likes me and wants to take things slow. but I think i might be getting played. I have not done shit with this girl yet. Mostly because she isnt giving off a welcoming vibe. At the same time she'll act disappointed if I havn't hung out with her in a while or am not talking to her or what not. Fuck, and convo doesnt even flow that easy with her. fucking bitch needs to stop playing.

We could end up talking to the same broad! It could happen. But the broad told me that she wanted attention. And then I told her she should go run back to her douche bag ex boyfriend.

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rented a house on cape cod. 1st time i ever wasn't ready for vacation to end. kids had a good time. wife and i walked out on the mud flats where the tide recedes out and you can basically walk the ocean. insane sunsets. food was great. aside from 6 hours in a car each way, it really couldn't have been better.

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in fact, think i'm gonna swear off clothes purchases for a while cause we're trying to buy a beach house there and in all honesty, i wore target sweat shorts and a hanes t for the better part of 7 days and felt no worse for the wear. trying to re-prioritize.

please no neg rep for re-prioritization.

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Guest Phrost

i feel like i should take a break and get away from everything......

summer has been really unfulfilling (re: work) so far. how's casablanca this time of year? :P

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I'm so mad right now because i was going to go to san francisco with my parents next weekend BUT of courseee the plane is full now and my parents don't want me to fly alone on a different flight because they are going to be too busy to pick me up. So much for going to self edge.

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Guest Hopfer

A few weeks ago I attended the local gay pride parade here in baltimore. I go every year because it's a great show. Baltimore gays are, like, space gay. Anyway. I end up sitting on the curb next to this really, really well dressed girl. She was a brunette and wearing sunglasses and she was there with some dude. We eventually got to talking and had a few laughs. After a while they got up and left. He didn't seem like her boyfriend.

Well, last night I went to a show and she was there. I didn't even know it but I ended up sitting right next to her on this ledge to smoke a cigarette (it was very crowded). She turned to me and said "hi" and asked if I remembered her. I didn't at first but then I kind of caught on.

My, my, my if that wasn't one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen. She remembered me, my name, and what we talked about. After the show I stopped her and asked her if I could make her dinner. She said that she had a boyfriend and turned me down.

God damn. I can't stop thinking about that girl. I would lick her armpits clean.

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After the show I stopped her and asked her if I could make her dinner. She said that she had a boyfriend and turned me down.

God damn. I can't stop thinking about that girl. I would lick her armpits clean.

You just failed the first test she gave you.

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