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SoI get a call right before my roommate and I are about to blaze with the boy down the street when i get a call from a male friend of mine who ive at one point exchanged bodily fluids with to go for drinks cus hes doesnt want to drink alone or go home to his girlfriend. Fair enough i think..free drinks plus laughs so i put everythng on hold ...and I hang out with him for a few hours and round my way shit closes down at 2 so by then my phone is getting blown up by said boy and roommate so im ready to go ....plus you know when you stop being into somebody in that way and you decide okay its really only friends now but they dont know...well that happened i think he called me honey or some shit and that just doesnt fly with me or maybe its cus he said it but at that point i was done. well he gets pissed at me accusing me of trying to get rid of him cus he wants to hang out more and i tell him im just trying to go home and blaze and continue to walk him to the cab so he can go home to his girl. Well the moral of the story is man the fuck up guys...you cant use your single friends as some kind of fluffer or escape from your contently miserable relationships especially when haja is trying to go home and smoke some really good FREE weed from the 21 year old boy down the block..SHIT.!!!....*goes back to rollinga spliff with last of said weed*

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SoI get a call right before my roommate and I are about to blaze with the boy down the street when i get a call from a male friend of mine who ive at one point exchanged bodily fluids with to go for drinks cus hes doesnt want to drink alone or go home to his girlfriend. Fair enough i think..free drinks plus laughs so i put everythng on hold ...and I hang out with him for a few hours and round my way shit closes down at 2 so by then my phone is getting blown up by said boy and roommate so im ready to go ....plus you know when you stop being into somebody in that way and you decide okay its really only friends now but they dont know...well that happened i think he called me honey or some shit and that just doesnt fly with me or maybe its cus he said it but at that point i was done. well he gets pissed at me accusing me of trying to get rid of him cus he wants to hang out more and i tell him im just trying to go home and blaze and continue to walk him to the cab so he can go home to his girl. Well the moral of the story is man the fuck up guys...you cant use your single friends as some kind of fluffer or escape from your contently miserable relationships especially when haja is trying to go home and smoke some really good FREE weed from the 21 year old boy down the block..SHIT.!!!....*goes back to rollinga spliff with last of said weed*

Haja you can come smoke with me and I wont call you honey.

...cant believe I read all that. All the mentions of weed is probably what kept my attention.

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legitimately curious:

who loves weed more, white people or black people?

I can answer anecdotally. When I smoke a blunt with a black person, well, we just hit that and get high. However when I smoke with a devil they like to smell, taste, and molest the herb, very much like a experienced wine tester indulges in a 30 year old bottle straight from the secret stash. We always end up discussing what we are smoking while we smoke it too.

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ooh...is that a legit invite ktothe?....hmmm....yea its long i was just thinking about it and had to let off some steam.

I think white people treat weed more like a sort of religious experience...hence fancy bongs,bowls, and all that other jazz while black people just like the feeling of being high ie..spliff,blunt.

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I can answer anecdotally. When I smoke a blunt with a black person, well, we just hit that and get high. However when I smoke with a devil they like to smell, taste, and molest the herb, very much like a experienced wine tester indulges in a 30 year old bottle straight from the secret stash. We always end up discussing what we are smoking while we smoke it too.

this. I hate smoking with other white guys because they all either want to smoke at 420, talk about how stoned they are, wear clothes with pot leaves all over them, or other shit I was into too in grade 7. things white people like blog did a nice write up on white peoples obsession with weed culture if i remember correctly.

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So I just copped a Mucho Mango, word to kerni.

HELLO. got that right meow.

did you know: on the sweet teas, what used to a photo of a black mammy tiling the crop fields, red bandana and all, has now been replaced with a b/w photo of some jazz/casino boats floating merrily down the mississippi.

fuck you, Arizona©. you've answered the cries of the South.

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This must be an American thing. The white people I smoke with here couldn't care less about the culture behind weed. It's hard to find good stuff here, so we are glad when someone has some good bud just because it gets you higher, but our smoking consists of putting that shit in an OCB, lighting it up, and passing it around.

Owning a bong makes people look at you as the weed equivalent of an alcoholic.

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