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Don't be a weenie Jeep. My lady is two feet two inches shorter than me...she really likes the proportion. There's few things that make girls more uncomfortable than being taller than the guy they date.


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which reminds me of last night when i saw an indian guido freaking the wall.

i almost started a fight with him with my shit talk. hahahahhaa. his indian girl dragged him away from me. we're about equal size, but he was definitely way more fucked up (freaking the wall instead of his girl).

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is there a "dreams about superfuture" thread?

i feel like its a common enough theme. one night i definitely dreamt i was a mirror watching keagan brush his teeth in his underwear... then i talked to geekbonchic on an airplane? you were wearing a fedora and i had an aisle seat.

The night before last I dreamt I was sitting on a school bus with soepom, tweedlesinpink, and lithiumsys. We pulled into some rainy suburban cul de sac and lithiumsys and I walked through this car park where all the cars were like 3/4 scale, and there was a custom 4-door stretch limousine version of a red BMW 850CSi parked next to the escalator which we rode to go to this Hong Kong-style food court up in the clouds. We couldn't decide on what to eat, so I ended up going down this really tight and dark corridor alone, where I walked into this futuristic Japanese lunch counter place, where all 10 seats were taken by Korean models wearing AA leggings. I recognized my friend sitting next to me at the lunch counter and he said I had to order Oyakodon with 2 extra eggs, so I did it, but suddenly all the models got up and paid for their meals and left. I realized it was just me and the store lady alone in this restaurant, and then i realized she was sexy and wearing this silk negligee, so I gave her a knowing smile. She went to the opposite wall and opened a door and went inside, so I thought she was gonna make my food or something. Suddenly the lights went out completely and I realized she'd turned the oxygen off...

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^ Haha, the rest of sufu can only imagine.

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Cotton N00ds

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my friend finally got a job after more than 12 months of being unemployed and just called to tell me to come down to the restaurant where he works because it's near me, and i lied and told him i have to work early tomorrow

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I am slowly beginning to find one of my roommate's completely insufferable. She goes through these huge emotional swings over the course of 30 minutes, holds up our group grocery trips so that she can smoke out (I don't object to the smoking, I object to my having to literally wait around for her to get stoned), and then throws these passive-aggressive little bitch fits whenever she doesn't get her way.

If you're reading this (highly unlikely) fuck you. Fuck you and your loser boyfriend. I don't care if you "love" him. That doesn't change the fact that he's a loser. And fuck your inability to function like a grown-ass adult.

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