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Evolution of Leather Goods: Before and After Pictures

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Just received it, I feel like not tanning it... but we'll see. It feels like it's been oiled already, it feels buttery... same with the Samurai belt, but freaking size 30 doesn't fit me!!! ah! Freaking lots of trouble to get it too... anyways I'll see what's up!

By the way, is tanning it only for the looks and the well ageing process? Not for anything related to leather care? Because, if oiling is the thing that keeps the leather lasting longer, and tanning is only to make the ageing process look good, I think I will just oil it and just use it. Is that the case with the tanning?

Really appreciate the help cameland.

I think for the wallet, you should def tan and if your not tanning, then theres no point in oiling. Over oiling can really ruin the wallet, if you want to see an example of an over tanned and over oiled wallet, looks at edmonds RM.

If it was me though, I'd tan, at least over the weekend, tanning helps it from getting too dirty and stained, its not the oil that does that. Oil stops it from drying out and cracking.

Maybe I can ask my friend whos real into leathers what he thinks of not tanning later.

Hope that helps.

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If tanning is to help it from getting stained and dirty, I think I'm going to just say "bring it on!" haha... I'm just worried about the leather cracking ,etc... I'll wait for your final judgement before I just use it off the bat. If it gets ugly/really stained, I'm okay with that, as long as the wallet lasts. I suppose same with any other kind of leather, if you don't tan it, no point in oiling it, until say 6 months or so uh?

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So i got this belt from a friend of mine, who got it from his father. To the best of my knowledge, his father bought it in the late 70's to early 80's, and then gave it to his son after never wearing it in like 2000. Well my friend never wore it either, and its such a cool belt that he gave it to me about a year ago. It was a little bit worn, and i wish i had some before pictures. Anyhow, Bianchi Handmade for L.L. Bean





And this is how it fits togther...


Someone called it a saddle rifle belt, that cowboys or some yahoos would wrap it around their rifle and use it to steady their shot. Anyhow, thanks for looking, hope it was intriguing.

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Yeah it softens up a lot with wear, RM's come really really thick but soft though. The leather on RM is really great, I can't imagine FH being better but I guess I've got to feel it to know.

Drapygo, no need to oil your wallet, especially if its pre-oiled. Therse a lot of oil that will come off your hands onto the wallet if you use it. You oil it when it feels and looks dry, nothing else much to it.

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