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Evolution of Leather Goods: Before and After Pictures

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Beautiful stoops...

Now for a good solid year of wearing in, then if all goes well ...perfection... I can't wait to wear in a nice natural leather to see the beautiful colours thast develop within the leather. I'm very excited after so much looking and dreaming that i'm have made the decision to get one. Now i have to decide which one.:D

Thanks also KangKong but im looking for red moon or similiar..something of fantastic quality.

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justiz.....that one definitely isnt for me - i would personally go for something a little more understated.

with that said, it looks great....i love the indigo coming through, with the pattern made by the warp threads. the contrasts are really emphasised by the crosshatched pattern too. nice work dude.

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hey ken how do you use that?

not too sure... i took my knife and scraped some off the wax out, because it's too hard to pick up with the sponge. then i just put some of the wax on my belt and rubbed it around with the sponge. according to kiya, you let it set for 20 minutes and then wipe off any excess with a clean cloth.

i hope i'm doing it right.

*edit* so i tried out the wax on my black sugarcane belt. i ended up leaving the wax on longer than expected (i had lunch). i came back, wiped it with a clean cloth and i noticed something... there were scale like patterns. not sure if this is natural, but i thought i'd take a snapshot.


from what i can remember, it wasn't liek that before. it was all black. but those cracks are white...

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That's normal on dark leathers, just rub it in a little harder with a clean sponge or cloth. Then continue to use the belt, it'll go away shortly with time.

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Sorry if this has been covered, but wondering when should you apply conditioner to your leather products if ever? I have a leather wallet that has darken a bit since i got it in march. It got a pen mark on it and I kinda rubbed off some of the leather on it. Would a conditioner like this work:


If not this product anybody recomend a type or brand. Also have a Sugarcane Garrison which I've had for like 6 months. Should I condition that too. Sorry for the newbie questions. Thanks.

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Would anyone possibly be interested in purchasing handmade leather mocassins, inuit/native american style, softsoled, with/without fringes, kinda custom thing? For probably $50 or under... Made by moi.

and maybe sample pictures?

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