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worst (sufu) waywt fits

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your sentiment of my of my shit being repeated wouldn't be totally inaccurate, because like i mentioned i've dealt with your kind before, and this time is no exception. you refuse or are unable to understand this simplicity here? well i shall accomadate you, no prob. you even attempting to spit this shit is pitiful, because you know you are guilty of a less skillful worse. you been puking the same shit in different prose repeatedly no doubt. the act of accusing one of the same shit when you can't possibly even do it better, nor have as just a cause is just fucking dumb.

you know for fact that it is you who turned up your crybaby factor after maybe a two-liner i unleashed on you a couple weeks ago. your random weakness which is like a paper trial, has ultimately culminated to this as i half suspected it would. i wouldn't have had problem like i had mentioned, had you the integrity to face the issue of me making fun of your clothes at the time. instead you opted for petty amateur guerrilla tactics. the least you can do is admit shit. at first it was mildly cute/amusing to see test the waters, then shit just got annoying. not that you always weren't, but sometimes it's rather bothersome to chase down and dispose of a flea or mosquito. i finally had too.

guy, you are conniving and have an agenda. it ain't grand or complex. it's just tiny and petty . laughable really. this has been attempted already. it's not working for you. i would almost applaud your endurance, but it's tantamount to a retard who continues pouding on a piano, thinking he's making music, when he's but making meaningless noise. sure you might want it to mean something, and you can't help yourself, but i'd like to put you outta that misery. i've been trying for your sake to get you to admit come clean and admit shit. it's like the first step on the road recovery. no, it is not necessary in admitting that you obviously have light-mind. again am talking about your indiscretions.

okay. your type. as implicated, the kind of retard who sporatically/unmethodically pounds a piano thinking that he's actually able 2 compete with that of a maestro.

guy, u didn't half step just specifically in this thread. you've been actually pussy footing around for weeks now, and no i don't expect you to admit this. while it may have been natural for you to get upset for something said in chat, you coulda at least attempted to finish shit there at the appropriate time. instead u did a little peacock flutter and opted for spewing irrelevance throughout the forum (which finally got annoying).

and make no mistake, i "didn't pick the wrong one" or whatever on some sort of whim. the reason for this i have repeated numerous times. you found it necessary to complain about getting neg rep a friend of mine, then even went so far as to imply that it may have been the result of a dummy account. that was the catalyst to all of your random bitchassness having to do with me. so it's not as if shit ain't justified on my end. you're just so full of shit.

haha stepped 2?

youkinnorn just spittin doo-doo.

call you nietzsche, now u tryin to rap?

u the bitch, go back to superfap.

don't see why you'd think her comments were dumb. and i am not just saying that because she is a friend of mine.

makes perfect sense to me.

sometimes you get repped, other times you get negged...

why should it even be an issue? obviously there are certain members here whose opinion i value and others who i think are just stupid. and i hope that those members feel the same about mine.

and honestly i can't even accurately remember the argument we had. doing my best to recall i think it was that i didn't like what you wore and commented on your fit, right? seriously though, even if she or other members agree/ happened to agree with me at that time or another, i don't think that you should get so worked up about it.

lastly i assume you have been harboring some sort vendetta towards me, and that's fine, but it seems so silly/unnecessary. no need to catch feeling about some comment that i made about you in the past, cause it's not like i was singling you out. you're one of many, so try not to take it personal.

seems to me that you are butthurt, cause you keep trying to come up, but you only succeed in half steppin. you desperately try to push this nonchalant facade, yet you can't keep my posts outta your head. don't front, you know your ass hurts. step up my game? apparently it was enough to get a reaction out of you.
i dislike a great deal of your post/fit output, but i hadn't recently bothered commenting until (unlike myself) you found it necessary to speak my name. i hated on you for random shit that offended my sensibilities and that was that. you on the other hand can't or don't wanna get over shit.

if you really don't care about my opinion, why not put me on ignore? you know and i know you can't do that. you are unable 2. i make baby angry (again) i guess. it happens...you'll live.

you can't get that image of me having free drinks at coach outta your head? try! i don't ever give your fits a second thought, cause they're all kinda wack and are basically ugly repetition. that is why i rarely hate on your shit, cause everyone know it's just crap. over it. been over it.

you know you do. there may be alot of people whose opinions you don't value, and you don't put them on ignore. true, but outta all those members, you decide to come at me. and it was fun in the past, but now it's just the same old annoying song and dance.

it is your own lack of confidence that lead you to say that my "shit is at least as much lame and uninspired as mine is." this is pathetic. difference mainly being is that you are admitting this. i think its fantasy/ridiculous. my fits aren't the greatest and i am inspired by many members here, but i am sure that my fit output overall destroys anything from you. you say that i spend more money than you, i don't even think about is. some members spend less or more than i. some look better, some don't. it's not even an issue, because i don't worry about cost like u are/do.

i was "over it," (your shitty fits, and general irrelavence) but is is only natural that when a mutt like you dares to bite one of the hands that has fed this forum for years, that i put him back in his place.

how many times i gotta repeat myself? those characteristics are based upon the your actions and the comments that come from outta that ridiculous mouth. don't gotta be a mindreader to make your type. what i say? typical.

my alleged insecurities has nothing to do with it. i enjoy winding you and your type up and occasionally giving you guys the boot.

what i said was realness, because no matter what you say, i know most of it's based on ignorance, stubborness, or just pure fabrication. let's hope for YOUR sake that it's ignorance. most likely not, more likely you're a mere light-minded conniver. on the other hand though, no matter what i say you're not likely to agree with (and maybe just maybe you can't help it). so this debate, while entertaining to me will really result in nothing more in how well we'll be perceived by certain other members (who've actually read shit) . and this is what i do and have been doing. you're just one of many whom i've exposed.

i never claimed to be sufu's "golden child." simply tried to state that all of your banter will get you nowhere. for you, there is no merit in it,and that you won't be remembered. simple really. that's a fact. nobody cares, cause you bring little or nothing to the table.

it was not my intention to turn you into a neg-rep magnet. little does it matter as to whether you are negged or not, because exposing you and your public humiliation is that much more sweet. nobody really even seriously deals in rep anymore. rep/negs are light-hearted these days. so try not to take it to heart.

goddamn korn, like wtf i gotta spell everything out for you? fuck. irrelevant meaning that it did not pertain to the the hate on your shit-fit. surely the emotion you got from that was motivation for your random comments, but did it have to do with that shit, no.

it wasn't a resort, it was a truth via pics. btw the penis isn't actually deformed. it's just apparently impotent. like your comments. see the pics' correlation to this argument. i should have just posted them and be done with it, cause they sum up this entire debate/whatever.

you can deny shit like you have been. it's obvious i'm not gonna get it outta you. yo i didn't really care, but i can't avoid/ignore every single one of your cowpatches.

you might have been making a joke, but it wasn't funny, it was slanderous.

feeling were def not hurt, but if you fib i'm gonna try to set you straight.

i can't rap, and only attempted so as a courtesy. so rhyme to your heart's content. i'm not gonna go to the trouble that kind of tediousness. not even necessary cause i already put you in your place (again you wont admit it).

it's funny, you should spend a little less time on playing the great white hope of rap or whatever it is you fancy yourself as and put alittle more effort on that wardrobe. i can just imagine you, solo in some gutter rapping to the wall in your funny clothes.

good point, guy, good point

Would read again.

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I actually think this look could have been saved if he had chosen some better more toned down jeans. The velour with the light blue wash jeans with rips just doesn't go. Some nice raw slim jeans or 501s in a nice dark blue would have been better. Sigh, people need to learn that less is more.

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Not from this board but I couldn't resist this shit. Made me think of Zap Brannigan as soon as I saw it. Real velour...

Yo. Don't be hating on zap.

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I actually think this look could have been saved if he had chosen some better more toned down jeans. The velour with the light blue wash jeans with rips just doesn't go. Some nice raw slim jeans or 501s in a nice dark blue would have been better. Sigh, people need to learn that less is more.

not really, no

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Need a haircut so badly but I'm poor.


click for big

Soho workshop shirt

Saba t-shirt

April 77 joey overdrive sabbath jeans

Grosby shoes (yes really)

Jack Spade messenger

This is the shitness. The top shirt not only is ugly, it fits like shit and it looks like you are wearing it like a jacket. And why is your bag under it...wait wtf is up with your whole torso region its confusing the shit out of me. Whats up with the huge u neck tee? can't even see your shoes but from the silhouette they look fucking el terriblay

Why would I want to see a big pic of this shit? I'm not a fecalphiliac.

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if you are actually serious, besides for my opinion which I already gave you, those three were able to at least put together a cohesive outfit. You are wearing a frumpy shirt as a jacket and a messenger bag underneath it.

look @ your sleeves nikkuh

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if you are actually serious, besides for my opinion which I already gave you, those three were able to at least put together a cohesive outfit. You are wearing a frumpy shirt as a jacket and a messenger bag underneath it.

look @ your sleeves nikkuh

Sigh, nevermind, it seems like you have ideals etched in your head and are comparing each fit to them. The sleeves are intentionally long, as is the loose fit and untied shoes. But ok, if you would like to think I made an error in sizing, go for it, I'll certainly think lesser of you for it though.

I'll post a close-up of the 'kicks' (they are suede lace-ups) tomorrow, both untied and tied for your viewing pleasure.

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