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worst (sufu) waywt fits

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Do you actually have some thought you are trying to get across with this dribble or do you just get your keyboard diarrhea action on sometimes? Because half of the shit you say just seems to be gurgled words and repeated phrases with no meaning behind them. Like a toddler trying to learn to talk or something.

Calling someone conniving is pretty funny in the same post as you talk abut how you just like prod people to get them wound up and "give them the boot." Because you know what that shit is? Conniving. I don't blame you, though. Arguing on the internet is a good way to pass the time sometimes. You thinking that you're the only one that can (or in your case can claim to) enjoy it just points more to the fact that this IS about your insecurities. Shit, man, the fact that you keep responding just shows that you, if anyone, are wound up. I'm allowed to keep this going, since you're the one who is supposed to have all this e-argument etiquette and integrity, right? Where's that shit at?

You say you're goal is to "expose" people...but you aren't exposing anything others don't know about me or anyone. I like to argue on the internet. You like to argue on the internet. You think you're a "god of hating." Your shit is actually stale and contrived. Anyone could see all of this by looking at past posts, so you haven't succeeded in bringing anything to the light, save perhaps your bitchassness to a select few who hadn't recognized it before.

Where do you really think I'm trying to get with this and what do you think you're going to accomplish? Oh, that's right, you think I have some agenda. That's the most inane thing I've ever heard. The only person you're humiliating by saying shit like that, or any of this for that matter, is yourself.

your sentiment of my of my shit being repeated wouldn't be totally inaccurate, because like i mentioned i've dealt with your kind before, and this time is no exception. you refuse or are unable to understand this simplicity here? well i shall accomadate you, no prob. you even attempting to spit this shit is pitiful, because you know you are guilty of a less skillful worse. you been puking the same shit in different prose repeatedly no doubt. the act of accusing one of the same shit when you can't possibly even do it better, nor have as just a cause is just fucking dumb.

you know for fact that it is you who turned up your crybaby factor after maybe a two-liner i unleashed on you a couple weeks ago. your random weakness which is like a paper trial, has ultimately culminated to this as i half suspected it would. i wouldn't have had problem like i had mentioned, had you the integrity to face the issue of me making fun of your clothes at the time. instead you opted for petty amateur guerrilla tactics. the least you can do is admit shit. at first it was mildly cute/amusing to see test the waters, then shit just got annoying. not that you always weren't, but sometimes it's rather bothersome to chase down and dispose of a flea or mosquito. i finally had too.

guy, you are conniving and have an agenda. it ain't grand or complex. it's just tiny and petty . laughable really. this has been attempted already. it's not working for you. i would almost applaud your endurance, but it's tantamount to a retard who continues pouding on a piano, thinking he's making music, when he's but making meaningless noise. sure you might want it to mean something, and you can't help yourself, but i'd like to put you outta that misery. i've been trying for your sake to get you to admit come clean and admit shit. it's like the first step on the road recovery. no, it is not necessary in admitting that you obviously have light-mind. again am talking about your indiscretions.

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your sentiment of my of my shit being repeated wouldn't be totally inaccurate, because like i mentioned i've dealt with your kind before, and this time is no exception. you refuse or are unable to understand this simplicity here? well i shall accomadate you, no prob. you even attempting to spit this shit is pitiful, because you know you are guilty of a less skillful worse. you been puking the same shit in different prose repeatedly no doubt. the act of accusing one of the same shit when you can't possibly even do it better, nor have as just a cause is just fucking dumb.

you know for fact that it is you who turned up your crybaby factor after maybe a two-liner i unleashed on you a couple weeks ago. your random weakness which is like a paper trial, has ultimately culminated to this as i half suspected it would. i wouldn't have had problem like i had mentioned, had you the integrity to face the issue of me making fun of your clothes at the time. instead you opted for petty amateur guerrilla tactics. the least you can do is admit shit. at first it was mildly cute/amusing to see test the waters, then shit just got annoying. not that you always weren't, but sometimes it's rather bothersome to chase down and dispose of a flea or mosquito. i finally had too.

guy, you are conniving and have an agenda. it ain't grand or complex. it's just tiny and petty . laughable really. this has been attempted already. it's not working for you. i would almost applaud your endurance, but it's tantamount to a retard who continues pouding on a piano, thinking he's making music, when he's but making meaningless noise. sure you might want it to mean something, and you can't help yourself, but i'd like to put you outta that misery. i've been trying for your sake to get you to admit come clean and admit shit. it's like the first step on the road recovery. no, it is not necessary in admitting that you obviously have light-mind. again am talking about your indiscretions.

You keep referring to my type...what type is that? The type that got you muttering some incoherent online-translator-sounding shit like "you even attempting to spit this shit is pitiful, because you know you are guilty of a less skillful worse"? And this is what you call "dealing with it?" Shit man, I bet even you haven't gone too far to see that you don't exactly have me on the defensive here. But maybe you have, I don't know.

Your use of simile and metaphor is pretty impressive for someone who doesn't have the foresight to keep their story straight, though. You can't seem to decide whether I half-stepped to you and initiated this or if you decided to come after a "flea/mosquito" (WWF pro wrestling level insult there, btw, disgraceful shit) and hunted me down. Let's face it...really I just said something to your friend that you didn't approve of and thus decided to come on with this. You tend to try to set yourself up so that you can always say the other person stepped to you first by being a passive aggressive pendejo, but that tactic was too evident here to be effective. I've dealt with your type before (see, I can say it, too...).

I promise you I've got no misery to be put out of here. You can keep wishing that saying I am making a fool of myself, and that I can't compete with your shit talk, and that I need to come clean (of what, I'm still not sure) will make it true. But it won't. It's like they say, wish in one hand and shit in the other and see which gets full faster, homie.

In fact, maybe I should put YOU out of your misery. You're obviously used to going after kids who can't actually bring it, but this time you picked the wrong one. Take some time and practice with some friends or something. Make some flash cards. I don't know. Do something. If you put in enough hard work, maybe you won't get embarrassed in front if your internet friends by someone who "wouldn't even be missed" next time something like this happens.

you think you can't be stepped to,

but keep coming and I'll beatchya,

you think you're God of haters,

bitch, you better call me Nietzsche.

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i probably have more spare time on my hands than most here, but there's no way i'm gonna write a damn essay on an online forum, let alone read that shit. i swear if you put half that time and effort into something worth your while you could really be going places...

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You keep referring to my type...what type is that? The type that got you muttering some incoherent online-translator-sounding shit like "you even attempting to spit this shit is pitiful, because you know you are guilty of a less skillful worse"? And this is what you call "dealing with it?" Shit man, I bet even you haven't gone too far to see that you don't exactly have me on the defensive here. But maybe you have, I don't know.

Your use of simile and metaphor is pretty impressive for someone who doesn't have the foresight to keep their story straight, though. You can't seem to decide whether I half-stepped to you and initiated this or if you decided to come after a "flea/mosquito" (WWF pro wrestling level insult there, btw, disgraceful shit) and hunted me down. Let's face it...really I just said something to your friend that you didn't approve of and thus decided to come on with this. You tend to try to set yourself up so that you can always say the other person stepped to you first by being a passive aggressive pendejo, but that tactic was too evident here to be effective. I've dealt with your type before (see, I can say it, too...).

I promise you I've got no misery to be put out of here. You can keep wishing that saying I am making a fool of myself, and that I can't compete with your shit talk, and that I need to come clean (of what, I'm still not sure) will make it true. But it won't. It's like they say, wish in one hand and shit in the other and see which gets full faster, homie.

In fact, maybe I should put YOU out of your misery. You're obviously used to going after kids who can't actually bring it, but this time you picked the wrong one. Take some time and practice with some friends or something. Make some flash cards. I don't know. Do something. If you put in enough hard work, maybe you won't get embarrassed in front if your internet friends by someone who "wouldn't even be missed" next time something like this happens.

you think you can't be stepped to,

but keep coming and I'll beatchya,

you think you're God of haters,

bitch, you better call me Nietzsche.

okay. your type. as implicated, the kind of retard who sporatically/unmethodically pounds a piano thinking that he's actually able 2 compete with that of a maestro.

guy, u didn't half step just specifically in this thread. you've been actually pussy footing around for weeks now, and no i don't expect you to admit this. while it may have been natural for you to get upset for something said in chat, you coulda at least attempted to finish shit there at the appropriate time. instead u did a little peacock flutter and opted for spewing irrelevance throughout the forum (which finally got annoying).

and make no mistake, i "didn't pick the wrong one" or whatever on some sort of whim. the reason for this i have repeated numerous times. you found it necessary to complain about getting neg rep a friend of mine, then even went so far as to imply that it may have been the result of a dummy account. that was the catalyst to all of your random bitchassness having to do with me. so it's not as if shit ain't justified on my end. you're just so full of shit.

haha stepped 2?

youkinnorn just spittin doo-doo.

call you nietzsche, now u tryin to rap?

u the bitch, go back to superfap.

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okay. your type. as implicated, the kind of retard who sporatically/unmethodically pounds a piano thinking that he's actually able 2 compete with that of a maestro.

guy, u didn't half step just specifically in this thread. you've been actually pussy footing around for weeks now, and no i don't expect you to admit this. while it may have been natural for you to get upset for something said in chat, you coulda at least attempted to finish shit there at the appropriate time. instead u did a little peacock flutter and opted for spewing irrelevance throughout the forum (which finally got annoying).

and make no mistake, i "didn't pick the wrong one" or whatever on some sort of whim. the reason for this i have repeated numerous times. you found it necessary to complain about getting neg rep a friend of mine, then even went so far as to imply that it may have been the result of a dummy account. that was the catalyst to all of your random bitchassness having to do with me. so it's not as if shit ain't justified on my end. you're just so full of shit.

haha stepped 2?

youkinnorn just spittin doo-doo.

call you nietzsche, now u tryin to rap?

u the bitch, go back to superfap.

seriously, your shit is just getting weaker and weaker with each post. First off, quit using the word "irrelevant" or any of it's forms. You don't even have any idea what you are trying to say by using it, making it... you guessed it: IRRELEVANT. I'm not just competing here, I'm destroying you. Oh you gonna resort to posting pictures of deformed dicks now? That's cute. Might as well just wave a white flag. Don't worry, you can put a deformed penis on it too, if it will make you feel better.

If I've ever had something to say to you, I've said it. If I don't follow up and launch into some stupid tirade (like this one) it's simply because I don't care enough to. You keep saying that that's what you want: for people not to care, right? If you take someone not caring as them "pussy footing" and forming vendettas against you, it sounds way more like you really just want them to pay attention to you than anything else. That's some serious obsessive school-boy crush type shit.

You think I was really serious about the dummy account thing? I wasn't. But I apologize anyways. I didn't actually think it was your secret account, I was just making a joke. You should probably never talk about anyone getting their feelings hurt unduly again, though, alright?

You really think you can come and follow my shit

with those weak ass rhymes and a fucked up dick?

luckily for you, there's a chair where you can sit

and listen to some some spit that's real and sick.

And let me tell you that this might be your last chance

you're hate's getting tired, can't hear over the chants

so get a word in if you still got something to say

as the crowd all yells "youkinorn bomaye"

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seriously, your shit is just getting weaker and weaker with each post. First off, quit using the word "irrelevant" or any of it's forms. You don't even have any idea what you are trying to say by using it, making it... you guessed it: IRRELEVANT. I'm not just competing here, I'm destroying you. Oh you gonna resort to posting pictures of deformed dicks now? That's cute. Might as well just wave a white flag. Don't worry, you can put a deformed penis on it too, if it will make you feel better.

If I've ever had something to say to you, I've said it. If I don't follow up and launch into some stupid tirade (like this one) it's simply because I don't care enough to. You keep saying that that's what you want: for people not to care, right? If you take someone not caring as them "pussy footing" and forming vendettas against you, it sounds way more like you really just want them to pay attention to you than anything else. That's some serious obsessive school-boy crush type shit.

You think I was really serious about the dummy account thing? I wasn't. But I apologize anyways. I didn't actually think it was your secret account, I was just making a joke. You should probably never talk about anyone getting their feelings hurt unduly again, though, alright?

You really think you can come and follow my shit

with those weak ass rhymes and a fucked up dick?

luckily for you, there's a chair where you can sit

and listen to some some spit that's real and sick.

And let me tell you that this might be your last chance

you're hate's getting tired, can't hear over the chants

so get a word in if you still got something to say

as the crowd all yells "youkinorn bomaye"

goddamn korn, like wtf i gotta spell everything out for you? fuck. irrelevant meaning that it did not pertain to the the hate on your shit-fit. surely the emotion you got from that was motivation for your random comments, but did it have to do with that shit, no.

it wasn't a resort, it was a truth via pics. btw the penis isn't actually deformed. it's just apparently impotent. like your comments. see the pics' correlation to this argument. i should have just posted them and be done with it, cause they sum up this entire debate/whatever.

you can deny shit like you have been. it's obvious i'm not gonna get it outta you. yo i didn't really care, but i can't avoid/ignore every single one of your cowpatches.

you might have been making a joke, but it wasn't funny, it was slanderous.

feeling were def not hurt, but if you fib i'm gonna try to set you straight.

i can't rap, and only attempted so as a courtesy. so rhyme to your heart's content. i'm not gonna go to the trouble that kind of tediousness. not even necessary cause i already put you in your place (again you wont admit it).

it's funny, you should spend a little less time on playing the great white hope of rap or whatever it is you fancy yourself as and put alittle more effort on that wardrobe. i can just imagine you, solo in some gutter rapping to the wall in your funny clothes.

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goddamn korn, like wtf i gotta spell everything out for you? fuck. irrelevant meaning that it did not pertain to the the hate on your shit-fit. surely the emotion you got from that was motivation for your random comments, but did it have to do with that shit, no.

it wasn't a resort, it was a truth via pics. btw the penis isn't actually deformed. it's just apparently impotent. like your comments. see the pics' correlation to this argument. i should have just posted them and be done with it, cause they sum up this entire debate/whatever.

you can deny shit like you have been. it's obvious i'm not gonna get it outta you. yo i didn't really care, but i can't avoid/ignore every single one of your cowpatches.

you might have been making a joke, but it wasn't funny, it was slanderous.

feeling were def not hurt, but if you fib i'm gonna try to set you straight.

i can't rap, and only attempted so as a courtesy. so rhyme to your heart's content. i'm not gonna go to the trouble that kind of tediousness. not even necessary cause i already put you in your place (again you wont admit it).

it's funny, you should spend a little less time on playing the great white hope of rap or whatever it is you fancy yourself as and put alittle more effort on that wardrobe. i can just imagine you, solo in some gutter rapping to the wall in your funny clothes.

I'm actually pretty sure our prior squabble was about someone else's fit, not mine. If you care enough to find out, I'm sure it wouldn't be that hard. But you don't care, so you won't, right? I bet you already have, though... gone back and searched through chat edition looking for when I said something to you that you thought less than kosher. Am I right? I bet I'm right.

And most decent jokes are at least a little bit slanderous, can't we at least agree on that?

Thanks for at least trying out the verse thing, it could have been fun. I'm a poor college student, though, so it's hard for me to put a lot of effort into my wardrobe, you know? Plus, most of the money I have I spend on microphones, boomboxes, Eminem memorabilia, chains, headphones (yo, turn me up), grills, stunna shades, etc... You know, the important things in life.

I don't think anyone who has read all this garbage would say that you have "put me in my place." But everyone is welcome/encouraged to say otherwise... Maybe that's the only way this will come to an end. A vote. That or Thunderdome. Which is always a valid option.

You can just give up, though, if you want. Save some face that way, probably. We don't have to bring it up in the future. And it's not like I'd have much to gloat about or anything, since your shit was pretty weak in the first place.

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