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worst (sufu) waywt fits

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  jimmyc said:
super late pass but this may be the greatest post EVER on Superfuture!


Agreed. Almost insta-sigged but I'm hoping my current plea for people to hang out with in Europe will pay dividends. It'd probably help if I posted more than once a week, I suppose.

Sorry to stray from the topic. Everyone's fits suck.

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After the last 3 or so pages it's official: this is the funniest fucking thread on sufu right now. Thank you all, many lolcats were had.

Kinda reminds me of this joke I heard. So a kid with $23,600 walks into a bar, no wait, he walks into a pussy... ah fuck it. I forget. The point is, the kid is richer than god and drowning in pussy by the end of the joke. (drums).

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  • 2 weeks later...

i have $53,000 in the bank and no debt and get pussy occasionally, I must have too much money? There has to be a sweet spot i'm just overshooting.

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Those socks alone are enough to get that in here. Looks like those circulatory compression socks I always find on the old ladies I rob. Same beige colour as grandma's chest-high underwear, too.

I actually like ThisSunday's fits most of the time. Interesting in their anachronism, but still tidy so it looks ye olde suave rather than ye olde blue collar. Plus, he gets points for walking round some shady neighbourhoods dressed like that...

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  Dijonnaise said:
Hopefully he'll choose to visit the Shanghai uniqlo, it's a killer hangout.

F'real doe. I was stoopin there waiting on gf, and two girls I went to college with (that I haven't seen in years) walked by and recognized me. True story. Pretty random. Never accidentally ran into old friends overseas before or since.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am tried of these denim heads wearing the pink/red Cham shirts. It only cements the clown status. I love a pink polo and what have you as much as the next bmore dude but this chambray uniform is out of hand and ridiculous. Shits going to give me the gout.

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I actually like those red chambrays, but the whole 'uniform' thing is ridiculous, that's true. What's also ridiculous is wearing boat shoes with that fit and matching the boat shoes to the chambray. It's bad enough when people do it with sneakers and tees.

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