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good hip hop

mike lowrey

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I was going to say he is one of the few producers whose beats I consistently like, along with Premier and Dilla (although he is obviously not in the same league).

Different strokes for different blokes I guess ;P

Yeah, definitely not trying to criticize anyone's taste, but could you humor my curiosity and post a couple 9th beats you really like?

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Yeah, definitely not trying to criticize anyone's taste, but could you humor my curiosity and post a couple 9th beats you really like?

I'm on the same boat as Baeyer. 9th isn't the most technical producer and has a rather one-dimensional sound, but I still enjoy it. I still think he's overrated tho, especially his work outside of LB. Du is far from bad (above average, in my mind) but lacks top shelf material.

Edit: Some of my favorite tracks off the top of my head:





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thank you all for your 9th wonder contributions, and no hate on your taste in music, but I have gained perspective on why I do not like him. as a hip hop producer myself, I do not sample. mostly because i enjoy actually crafting the sounds i work with myself, but also because there are dudes out there who can chop shit up like no other, and i lack the audacity to attempt what has already been done so impeccably by many others. unfortunately, 9th wonder is not one of these cats, and my ears only hear a du who knows a great deal about his DAW and hardware, but lacks the soul of any great producer.

andosj gets rep tho due to avatar+location+track synergy

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Yeah, definitely not trying to criticize anyone's taste, but could you humor my curiosity and post a couple 9th beats you really like?

Can't guarantee satisfaction with the lyrics (where it applies), but these are some tracks I've enjoyed. I understand, as you've explained above, why some folks might not be too keen on 9th. Nonetheless, I'll share.






And this here Murs Video!
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@ DÃœM

I remembered you were big upping Dayton Family and I heard a commercial with them that just made me sigh outloud. Now I've never heard a single bar from them but they announced their names which are, Shoestring, Bootleg, and Backstabber. I felt like I was being punked. Who names themselves that? These are derogatory terms.

All I could hear in my head were the skits from The Listening (the song on the album of the same name).

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Overdosing on southern hip hop for 2 long(6 weeks) due to car stereo install

Trying to get back into "melt your face off shit" but everying seems not as good compared to some fucking jewerly selection gross gucci mane shit.... Even playing band music I have lost that loving feeling

The last meltn face record i found 3 months ago was no class

I donno how i missed hearing about this band for around a year

Please recomend srsly hectic-pissed-off broke ass bands

I have edited my own post

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Hey guys, heard a song the other day, and I can't, for my life, remember what it was at all. I was wondering if anyone can help me id it.

All I know:

- Partially in Spanish

- 90s joint I think, probably earlier 90s

- Used what sounded like a mariachi sample: guitars, trumpets

- It was probably a semi-popular hit, nothing "underground"

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Hey guys, heard a song the other day, and I can't, for my life, remember what it was at all. I was wondering if anyone can help me id it.

All I know:

- Partially in Spanish

- 90s joint I think, probably earlier 90s

- Used what sounded like a mariachi sample: guitars, trumpets

- It was probably a semi-popular hit, nothing "underground"

I got ya.


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